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小編今天要分享給大家一款酸甜又有料的創意飲品「 杏福藜麥動凍飲 」,快跟著一起動手做做看吧!


★杏福藜麥動凍飲 食譜





#桂格原杏仁燕麥榖奶 2或3湯匙、#桂格藜麥燕麥飲 1瓶、#CHiiiiiiiii奇動能量飲超能晶亮配方 1瓶、天地合補金盞花葉黃素凍 1條、吉利丁 適量、無花果 一顆、水蜜桃 一顆、蘋果 一顆、李子 三顆












讓佳格系創意料理 #陪練你的健康 #創意⻝譜 #創意料理





 Check List:


§奇動能量飲超能晶亮配方|幫助提神清醒不斷電,隨時重新啟動續航力,小分子葉黃素和維生素 A,恢復精神的同時也讓雙眼晶戰不斷電,低熱量,不添加焦糖色素。


§天地合補金盞花葉黃素凍|神經鞘磷脂葉黃素凍,5:1 葉黃素與玉米黃素,維生素A有助維持暗處視覺,酸甜Q彈,藍莓果汁添加,輕便包裝,隨時補充。


Creative Recipe: Apricot Oat Milk Jelly Dessert

While we all enjoy a refreshing beverage, are you aware that a typical bubble tea can pack a whopping 788 calories?

It's no surprise to spot countless individuals sipping on their bubble teas to-go. But considering the immense caloric content, is this indulgence truly a healthy choice?

At STANDARD FOODS, we're excited to present an alternative—a tangy, flavorful, and innovative dessert that still satisfies your cravings.

Treat yourself to our delectable Apricot Oat Milk Jelly Dessert. Join us as we create this delightful treat together!


★Recipe for Apricot Oat Milk Jelly Dessert


★Ingredients:(For 2 servings)


  • 2-3 tablespoons Quaker Original Almond Oat Beverage
  • 1 bottle Quaker Oat & Quinoa Beverage
  • 1 bottle CHiiiiiiiii Super Energy Drink
  • 1 stick Tian Di He Bu Calendula Lutein Jelly
  • 1 ½ to 2 tablespoons gelatin (adjust for desired consistency)
  • 1 medium fig
  • 1 large peach
  • 1 apple
  • 3 plums


★Preparation Steps:

 1. Mix Quaker Original Almond Oat Beverage and Quaker Oat & Quinoa Beverage with gelatin. Heat until homogeneous and chill to solidify.

 2. Once set, cut into pieces and place in a bowl. Garnish with lutein jelly slices and assorted fruits.

 3. Pour CHiiiiiiiii Super Energy Drink over the mixture.



Wasn't the process simple and fuss-free? This refreshing dessert with its chewy jelly is not only guilt-free but also a must-try culinary experience!

Let STANDARD FOODS' creative recipes #AccompanyYourHealth,#CreativeRecipes



★Nutritionist’s checklist for this dish:




Check List:

§ Quaker Original Almond Oat Beverage|Professionally crafted, rich in fiber, providing essential dietary fiber, expertly blending whole almonds and oats in perfect harmony. This plant-based nutrition option is ideal for vegetarians, boasting a velvety milk-like texture and minimal sugar content. Can be enjoyed hot or cold.

§ CHiiiiiiiii Super Energy Drink|Keep yourself revitalized and focused without interruptions. This energy booster ensures sustained energy levels whenever needed. Infused with small-molecule lutein and vitamin A, it rejuvenates alertness and promotes active eyesight. Low in calories and free from caramel coloring.

§ Quaker Oat & Quinoa Beverage |A fusion of whole oats and superfood quinoa, without any added sugars. Utilizing exclusive hydrolysis technology, it captures the natural essence and subtle sweetness of oats. Aids in maintaining digestive health and promoting regular bowel movements.

§ Tian Di He Complement Calendula Lutein Jelly|Indulge in phospholipid lutein jelly, featuring a 5:1 lutein to zeaxanthin ratio. Enriched with vitamin A to support vision, particularly in low-light conditions. Delightfully sweet and tangy, infused with blueberry juice, conveniently packaged for instant replenishment anytime, anywhere.