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王進崑教授,中山醫學大學現任特聘教授,專業領域為營養生化學、食品化學、食品與營養。近日在「2023 年全球食品與健康高峰會」發表國際健康趨勢「精準營養」為題的演講,其中提到:佳格食品,身為台灣健康食品業界領頭羊,以《100秒GO健康》線上健康諮詢服務為出發點,用簡單方便的方式,提供顧客個人化的健康分析。






















Nutrition Industry Pioneer, Dr. Wang Jin-Kun, Joins Forces with Standard Foods to Prioritize Precision Health

Professor Wang Jin-Kun is a distinguished academic at Zhongshan Medical University who specializes in nutritional biochemistry, food chemistry, and the intersection of food and nutrition. At the 2023 Global Food and Health Summit, held at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Tainan in November 2023. Professor Wang delivered a keynote speech on the international health trend of "Precision Nutrition."


Precision nutrition is a field of research linked to the emerging advances in precision medicine which aims to enhance tailored disease treatments. Similarly, precision nutrition focuses on individualized dietary strategies. Both fields design interventions to prevent or treat chronic illnesses by considering an individual's distinct traits such as DNA, gender, health background, and food and lifestyle choices.


During his presentation, Professor Wang highlighted the role of STANDARD FOODS in the Taiwan health food industry, commending its leadership and emphasizing the significance of its online ‘100Seconds2Health’ survey. This survey, in conjunction with STANDARD FOODS’ service-based platform HealthGO, simplifies the provision of personalized health analyses for customers.


Professor Wang recognizes it is vital to understand the efficacy of supplements and how to maximize their benefits as this often varies from person to person. In addition, people are frequently uncertainty about how to consume dietary supplements or may experience disappointment in the perceived effectiveness of certain supplements.


As a leader in Taiwan’s domestic nutrition and health food sector, STANDARD FOODS has collaborated with Professor Wang and assembled a team of nutritionists to introduce a new online service centered around the concept of precision nutrition. This initiative assists customers in finding personalized health solutions, including dietary planning and lifestyle improvements.


For further insight into Professor Wang's perspective, see the article in Every Health: "Why Aren't Supplements Working for Me? Scholars Believe 'Precision Nutrition' is the Future Trend in Popular Use."



Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.