佳格食品集團深耕在地,日前以回應兒童及老年營養需求,奪得首座 Yahoo 亞洲數位創意大獎「最佳 ESG 廣告獎」,過去一年來接連獲得 A.A Taste Awards、ITi Superior Taste Award、Monde Selection、食創獎年度10大新品…等殊榮,營養健康與永續耕耘獲得各界肯定。
展望新年度,佳格宣布參與數位健康新創 H2U 永悅健康的 B 輪募資 *,不僅展現對健康產業的支持,更藉此強化健康產業生態系的發展,為永續經營注入新活水。
★亞洲NO.1! 永續經營獲肯定 佳格獲得73項國際殊榮
「堅持食品安全及品質認證」,佳格旗下產品連年獲得多項認證、獎項與標章**,至今累計獲得超過 242 個認證與標章,包含國人關注的健康食品認證、潔淨標章、特殊營養認證…等,佳格更獲得台灣首個「全穀標章認證」,成為業界領頭羊。
不僅如此,佳格產品品質獲得國際肯定,2023 年共計獲得8個 A.A Taste Awards 全球純粹品味評鑑、26 個 ITi Superior Taste Award 絕佳風味獎章、38 個 Monde Selection 世界品質評鑑大賞。以「得意的一天」有料熬鮮湯為例,在三無(無防腐劑、無味精、無人工香料)的基礎上做到料足味美湯底濃,對於產品始終以高標準把關品質,讓消費者吃得美味又安心,獲得 A.A Taste Awards、食創獎「年度 10 大新品」肯定!
佳格推動兒少及長者營養健康意識不遺餘力,於上月底榮獲「Yahoo Asia Big Idea Chair Awards 2023 亞洲數位創意大獎」首個「最佳ESG廣告獎」。佳格食品集團永續長陳文琪表示,「佳格食品集團邁入37年,向來默默深耕、以生產負責任產品為己任,很榮幸能獲得各界肯定,但佳格不會停下腳步,將持續往永續的路上邁進,以成為食品業永續標竿為目標!」
★展望新年!佳格策略性投資 H2U 支持預防醫學與健康生活產業
佳格食品集團支持台灣健康產業的未來,投資「H2U 永悅健康」。佳格以生產營養健康產品為根基,始終相信「健康」是人生最重要的基石,吃得營養是預防醫學的第一步。H2U 運用科技促進全民健康的願景,與佳格成為「全家的營養健康夥伴」的理念不謀而合,期望與 H2U 攜手合作,提供全齡族群、全場景的健康生活服務。佳格期望與健康產業夥伴合作,從根本改善國人的健康,以聯合國永續發展目標 ( SDGs )「3 確保及促進各年齡層健康生活與福祉」為終極目標,提高每個人的健康風險管理能力,為大眾健康奠定更堅實未來!
*H2U 永悅健康B輪募資:韓國醫檢集團 SCL ( Seoul Clinical Laboratories ) 策略領軍,佳格食品集團、偉喬生醫、上奇科技等法人參與B輪募資,總募資金額破千萬美金。
**佳格累計至 2023 年底獲得超過242 個認證及驗證標章:19 個 A.A Taste Awards 全球純粹品味評鑑、41個 ITi Superior Taste Award 絕佳風味獎章、47個 Monde Selection 世界品質評鑑大賞、40 個慈悅潔淨認證、6個慈心有機認證、3個全穀標章認證、44個健康食品認證、39個特殊營養食品認證、3個食品安全品質標章 SQF,更多資訊將於 2024 新版永續報告書揭露。
Standard Foods Wins the 1st Yahoo “Asia’s Best ESG Award” for Sustainable Efforts and Celebrates H2U Investment for Total Well-being
Standard Foods recently received the Yahoo Asia Big Idea Chair Award for "Best ESG Campaign," responding to the nutritional needs of children and the elderly. Over the past year, Standard Foods has garnered numerous accolades, including recognition at the A.A Taste Awards, ITi Superior Taste Award, multiple Monde Selection awards, and Food Innovation Award, among others, affirming its commitment to nutrition, health, and sustainability.
Looking ahead to the new year, Standard Foods announced its participation in the second round of fundraising for digital health startup H2U in February 2024, not only demonstrating support for the health industry but also enhancing the development of the health industry ecosystem, injecting new vitality into sustainable operations. The 2nd round of fundraising for H2U is led by Seoul Clinical Laboratories, with participation from Standard Foods, Vitalen Biotech, and U-Care Technology, among others, totaling over ten million US dollars.
★ Standard Foods has been awarded 242 certifications, awards, and labels for its clean, high-quality products
Over the last few years, Standard Foods’ products have garnered 242 certifications, awards and labels, including health food certification, clean labels, special labels that are of concern to Taiwanese people, as well as nutritional certification. Standard Foods also obtained Taiwan's first "Whole Grain Mark" identifying the company as an industry leader.
This prestigious recognition expands internationally: in 2023, it won a total of 8 A.A. Taste Awards, 26 ITi Superior Taste Awards, and 38 Monde Selection World Quality Awards. Take our Great Day soup as an example. Based on the “3 Nos” (no preservatives, no MSG, and no artificial flavors), the soup was praised for its quality ingredients, delicious taste, and thick flavorful broth.
Every product made by Standard Foods is produced under stringent high standards so that you can enjoy delicious and safe food, Great Day soup has also been recognized by the A.A Taste Awards and Food Innovation Awards as one of the "Top 10 New Products of the Year"!
Standard Foods is also dedicated to enhancing product recycling and packaging sustainability. Our Fresh Delight long-lasting milk employs non-coated paper, eliminating PFAS risks, and utilizes FSC-certified materials to safeguard forest ecosystems. We've pioneered the switch to all-paper straws in Taiwan, reducing plastic waste by 13 tons annually. Additionally, we're rethinking packaging material procurement, aiming for 100% recycled materials and minimizing environmental impact throughout the product life cycle.
★Standard Foods invests in H2U to bolster the preventive medicine and healthy living sectors
In anticipation of the new year, Standard Foods decided to invest in H2U to bolster the preventive medicine and healthy living sectors. Standard Foods backs Taiwan's health industry's future by supporting H2U. Rooted in producing nutritious items, Standard Foods upholds health as one of life's cornerstones, advocating for a nutritious diet as the initial step in preventive medicine. H2U's vision aligns with Standard Foods' mission to be a "health partner for every household," aiming to provide holistic health services across all age groups and contexts.
Standard Foods aims to collaborate with health industry peers to fundamentally enhance the nation's health, aligning with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of ensuring and promoting healthy lives for all ages, paving the way for a healthier future!
The second round of fundraising for H2U is led by South Korean medical testing group SCL (Seoul Clinical Laboratories), Standard Foods, LeadGene Biomedical, Shangqi GrandTech, and other entities joined the Series B fundraising, raising over $10 million in total.
Standard Foods spares no effort in promoting nutrition and health awareness among children and the elderly. We are proud to announce our video received the 2023 Yahoo Asia Big Idea Chair Award for "Best ESG Campaign." Arthur Tsao, CEO of Standard Foods, said, "Standard Foods has entered its 37th year and has always been quietly cultivating and taking the production of responsible products as its responsibility. It is an honor to be recognized by all walks of life. We aim to become a sustainable benchmark in the food industry and will continue to move forward on the road to sustainability.”