減重妙招!超詳細解析:健康飲食、不餓到生氣、膳食纖維 10 大重點

減重妙招!超詳細解析:健康飲食、不餓到生氣、膳食纖維 10 大重點

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俗話說:「無三不成禮」,今天我們不只要給你 3 個減重的知識,而是以 5 起跳! 這篇文章中有 10 個減重知識,每個知識底下又會再介紹 5 個好處、技巧、策略、新想法,讓你可以真正地掌握減重的方法、信心滿滿地開始減重,同時在減重的過程中還是可以快樂過生活!













減重除了讓你身材更苗條之外,還有更多你不知道的好處, 來看看減重後你會看到怎麼樣的改變呢?



















有時候我們在心情不好、焦慮、焦躁、或只是無聊的時候就會下意識地想要吃東西,希望這樣可以幫助我們熬過這些情緒的困擾,但這樣透過食物來對付情緒的手段常常也會讓減重變得越來越困難、終點似乎越來越遙不可及。 如果你覺得自己經常遇到這樣的困擾的話,可以來認識一下飲食心理學,從這篇文章認識偏差的飲食行為是如何產生、怎麼應對。






























光動動身體就有 5 種好處:
















我們以下提供 5 個基本概念:


1.卡路里 / 熱量有進有出


2.卡路里 = 能量


3.卡路里 / 熱量來源的品質也很重要


4.每個人所需的卡路里 / 熱量值不同


5.不同種的食物含有的卡路里 / 熱量值也不同

不同營養素每公克含有的熱量也不一樣,碳水化合物和蛋白質每公克含有大約 4 大卡,而每公克的脂肪大概有 9 大卡,所以不同的食物也就理所當然地會影響你攝取的熱量多寡。







首先,你要知道你的基礎代謝率(BMR)是多少,這樣你就會知道你的身體最基本需要的熱量值、每天要攝取多少熱量才會維持現在的體重,接著再適度地減少這個攝取量(營造「熱量赤字」的狀態),例如:如果你的基礎代謝率是 1800 大卡,那減重的時候就把這個數字降到 1500。





其實這件事不會很難、你也不用記錄得太詳細,大部分的 APP 都有內建的食物熱量資料庫,你只要把你吃的東西輸入進去就可以了,我們推薦你可以試試 NoomCalory 這兩個 APP 看;如果你真的很討厭數學、很討厭要計算東西,可以參考這篇文章,讓你不用任何東西記錄還是可以減少熱量的攝取。

小提醒:衛生署建議每個人每天攝取的熱量不要低於 1200 大卡(不論性別或現在體重);同時,因爲有研究認為飲食障礙症的產生和記錄熱量有關聯,所以我們不會建議你長期追蹤自己攝取的熱量值。


很多人可能會覺得這是很基本的事情,但到底怎麼樣的飲食才算「均衡」呢?一個「均衡」的飲食應該同時要有脂肪、蛋白質、碳水化合物,所以如果你的餐盤上 ½ 是蔬菜、¼ 是蛋白質、¼ 是碳水化合物,通常就可以算得上均衡飲食了!





  • 先吃蔬菜來產生飽足感、避免飯後血糖上升太快
  • 在每一口之間把餐具放下來
  • 每一口多嚼 5 下,或至少每口總共嚼 10 下
  • 每一口之間喝一點點水
  • 吃飯的時候不要看電視或漫無目的地滑手機







要有足夠的飽足感就一定要攝取高纖維的食物,同時還可以維持消化道健康、協助體重控制。 最好的 5 種高纖維食物包含:











5.蔬菜(菠菜、綠花椰菜、抱子 / 球芽甘藍)











延續上一點,高纖食物可以讓我們比較不會嘴饞,同時也就代表兩餐之間比較不會想要吃零食。 如果你已經吃很多纖維、卻還是常常覺得很餓的話,可能是我們把身體「缺水」的訊號理解為「飢餓」了,建議你可以喝溫水或綠茶試試看以解決這樣的困擾。





消化道健康、人生就是彩色的! 我們另外有一篇文章帶你深入探討消化道和大腦間的關係(腸腦軸線),讓你可以更了解消化道對人體健康的重要性和背後原理。






要從一而終地遵守、執行自己的減重計劃需要很大的決心和韌性,我們以下列出 5 個可以幫助你長期全力以赴的方法,讓減重的成果長長久久!















在減重的時候,別忘了這是一個轉變的過程,當覺得這段路途走得有點艱辛的時候,可以參考以下 5 個建議,讓你可以堅持下去!



只要你有依照自己的減重進度,設定合理、實際可達成的短期和長期目標,同時也有考慮到自己身體的需求,就一定能夠達成它們。同時也記得要從小一點的改變開始,每天試 1~2 個我們給你的技巧。








如果看到了一點成果、達到了自己設定的某個里程碑,就算你覺得微不足道,最後都是這些點點滴滴的成果累積起來,幫助你達成你的目標! 以下是你可以不用搬出零食點心也可以慶祝這些成果的方法:

  • 好好睡個午覺,畢竟減重不是個簡單的過程!
  • 去髮廊洗個頭、享受吹頭髮時暖呼呼的感覺
  • 去做個頭頸肩按摩
  • 做點美勞,找一個 Pinterest 或 IG 上簡單的作品模仿看看
  • 去鄰近的書店或圖書館看看書












The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss: 10 Things to Know to Lose Weight, Eat Healthy, and Not Get Hangry! (Psst: Dietary Fiber is Key)

This comprehensive guide to weight loss has all the information you need to embark on your weight loss journey confidently, all while living your best life. 

Think of this ultimate guide to losing weight as harnessing the power of 5. For each of the 10 things to consider we offer you 5 benefits, advantages, insights, tips, or strategies that can help you manage your weight loss journey.

If you want even more, we have a treasure trove of articles that discuss the intricacies of weight loss: from exploring the magic of fiber-rich foods to the psychology behind our eating habits and portion sizes. Read an interview with our nutritionist where she answers some commonly asked questions about weight loss or learn about our carefully crafted fiber-rich weight management bundle, designed by our nutritionist in collaboration with our research and development team.



A Brief History of the Ideal Body

First, a little reminder that the ideal body shape you think is so amazing was not always worshipped. Various body shapes and weights have been idolized for centuries, and each period comes with its own preferred silhouette.

What’s more, certain communities of people find some body shapes more attractive than others. From slender waists to plump bellies, cone-shaped breasts to thigh gaps, and big booties to broad chests, history has seen it all.  

It makes sense that, linked to this, all throughout time food has been revered, appreciated, and weaponized. It has been eaten to excess and withheld. Ancient civilizations fasted for physical and spiritual purification and gorged themselves after a hunt. More recently, fad diets and fitness crazes have been followed to match the current ideal body type.

Today, armed with a wealth of scientific knowledge and a better understanding of nutrition, we can approach weight loss (if you choose to lose weight) with a more holistic perspective, focusing on sustainable and balanced methods that promote overall health and well-being.

If you are choosing to lose weight, join us as we dive into these tips and tricks that can help you!


The Advantages of Weight Loss 

There are loads of benefits to losing weight, on top of the main takeaway of a leaner physique.

Let’s look at what you can gain:

1. Enhanced health:

Embarking on weight loss journeys often begins with a desire to improve overall health. This could be prompted by an annual health assessment or medical advice. 

Maybe you’ve recognized that shedding excess weight can significantly lower the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. 

Beyond physical changes, the long-term health benefits serve as enduring motivation.

2. Boosted confidence:

When you sustain healthier habits and witness physical transformations, an enhanced sense of self-esteem and body confidence emerges. 

Weight loss becomes a journey of self-discovery, allowing people to feel more comfortable in their skin and engage in activities that once seemed out of reach.

3. Amplified energy levels:

Shedding pounds can boost energy levels, leading to increased physical activity and a more active lifestyle.

The newfound energy reserves enable you to embrace productivity and seize life's opportunities with greater zest.

4. Improved mobility and freedom:

The release from physical limitations empowers you to enjoy activities they might have shied away from, enhancing your overall quality of life.

5. Better social and emotional well-being:

Weight loss reverberates through social interactions and emotional health. Reduced self-consciousness paves the way for more positive social connections and contributes to improved mental well-being. 

The transformative impact on both internal and external facets of life becomes a lasting reward.


The Challenges of Weight Loss 

However, your weight loss journey will not be without challenges. We believe that recognizing both the advantages and challenges arms you with the awareness needed to navigate this transformative journey.

Here are some challenges you may encounter, we’ve reminded you so when you do experience them, they’re not so scary:

1. Emotional eating: 

At times, you may feel sad, bored, worried, or restless, and then you might want to eat the feelings away. Sometimes you don’t even notice that you're doing this.

Coping with emotions through food can hinder progress, leading to setbacks in the weight loss journey.

If this is you, consider learning more about the psychology behind your emotional eating. 

2. Social pressures: 

Navigating social events and peer pressure to indulge in unhealthy foods can challenge dietary commitments.

When you’re watching your weight, it can feel hard to say no to something delicious that has been offered to you. But you can say no, or you can have a taste of the treat.

You’re in control and eating something that is calorically rich every now and again does not have to derail your weight loss plan.  

3. Body image struggles: 

Weight loss can sometimes result in body dysmorphia or dissatisfaction due to unrealistic body image expectations. Think about your reasons for losing weight and be gentle with yourself.

Remember, you do not have to look a certain way to be loved or have a good time. You do not have to lose weight if you don’t want to. Only do it if it feels fun and good, for you.

4. Being able to do it sustainability: 

Sustaining weight loss requires lifestyle changes to make it a long-term commitment.

These changes can be challenging to maintain, so think about gently doing this.

5. Plateaus: 

The last, and perhaps most frustrating challenge is when your weight loss plateaus. You have consistently been working out and eating at a deficit, you’ve been seeing the difference, feeling good, and then, suddenly, there are no gains.

Don’t let that get you down, some small tweaks may help get you revved up again.


The Benefits of Healthy Eating 

Now that we are aware of the challenges and advantages of weight loss, let’s look at healthy eating. Simply put, eating well means avoiding processed foods and limiting your intake of sugary treats.

Here are some benefits of eating like this:

1. Improved nutrient intake: 

Healthy eating ensures your body receives essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, promoting overall health, and helping you sidestep disease.

2. Weight management: 

Eating more whole foods helps control appetite, supports portion control, and contributes to successful weight loss.

3. Stable blood sugar:  

Balanced meals prevent spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, promoting sustained energy and reducing cravings.

4. Smooth digestion: 

Whole, unprocessed food is often fiber-rich, and this aids digestion, prevents constipation, and maintains a healthy gut microbiome. We have loads of information on fiber-rich foods below, so keep reading.

5. Mental well-being:

A nutritious diet can positively impact mood, cognitive function, and mental clarity. Eating well can make you feel better!

This is probably the best takeaway of all: feeling great in your body. 


Why Movement and Working Out is So Satisfying 

Exercise and physical activity complement healthy eating in the weight loss equation.

Whether it's brisk walking, dance classes, weight training, yoga, swimming, or climbing, finding movement that aligns with your interests will enhance your weight loss journey's success.

Here are five advantages that come from moving your body:

1. Faster calorie expenditure:

This is one you probably know already. On top of your healthy diet, regular exercise burns calories, creating a calorie deficit and contributing to weight loss.

2. More muscle strength: 

Perhaps the most important reason why people work out is because physical activity, especially weightlifting, makes you stronger.

This means you can do more things with ease: walk faster without losing breath, run to catch a bus, carry heavy groceries upstairs, and play with your grandchildren.

In other words, it enhances muscle mass, leading to improved metabolism and a toned appearance.

3. Improved cardiovascular health:

Regular exercise of a moderate to strong level improves your heart muscle. This increases the capacity of your heart to pump blood to your lungs and other parts of your body.

As a result, your muscles receive more blood flow and your blood's oxygen content rises. So, heart health improves, lung capacity increases, and the risk of heart disease lowers.

4. Reduced stress: 

Physical activity releases endorphins, reducing stress, and anxiety, and improving overall mental well-being. In today’s fast-paced, high-stress world, everybody needs to find movement that makes them feel good!

5. Better bone health:

Weight-bearing exercises in particular, like walking and weightlifting, support bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

But how exactly does this work? The tension that the muscles and tendons put on the bones during weight-bearing activities causes the bones to create additional bone tissue.

As a result, the risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis, and fractures lowers and bones grow stronger and denser.


Understanding Calories

Calories are the energy units contained in the foods we consume. The concept is simple: to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit, burning more calories than you consume.

This prompts your body to utilize stored fat for energy.

Understanding how calories work is essential for effective weight management and a healthy lifestyle. Here are five tips to help you grasp the concept of calories:

1. Calories in vs. calories out: 

You probably know this already, but it bears repeating: if you consistently consume more calories than you burn, you'll gain weight; if you burn more than you consume, you'll lose weight.

2. Calories = energy:  

Think of calories as the energy currency your body uses to function. Just as money fuels transactions, calories fuel your body's activities, from breathing and digestion to physical activity and even thinking. 

3. Quality matters: 

While the quantity of calories is important, the quality of those calories matters too. Nutrient-dense foods provide more than just calories; they deliver essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that support overall health and well-being. 

4. Not everybody is the same:

Understand that everyone's caloric needs are unique. Factors like age, gender, metabolism, activity level, and genetics influence how many calories your body requires to maintain its current weight.  

5. Calories are not created equal: 

Different macronutrients provide different amounts of energy per gram. While carbohydrates and proteins provide around 4 calories per gram, fats provide about 9 calories per gram. This distinction influences how different foods impact your caloric intake.



Managing Your Daily Caloric Intake

Ok, this part is a little tricky, especially if the thought of tracking your calories stresses you out. However, once you know what your current calorie intake is, you can quite quickly stop calculating and just stick to a general plan.

1. Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR):  

First, you need to understand your BMR to know what your maintenance calories are – the number of calories needed to maintain your current weight – and then create a modest calorie deficit. So if you are eating 1800 calories a day, you could drop to 1500.  

2. Track your food to reduce your caloric intake:  

How do you know if you’re eating at a deficit?

At the beginning of your weight loss journey, we advise you to use apps or journals to monitor your daily caloric intake, ensuring you're within your target range. This doesn’t have to be too difficult or detailed.

Many of the apps already have the caloric information in their database. We suggest you try Noom or Calorie. If you absolutely hate doing math, here are some alternative ways to cut down your calories without using trackers.

Please note that the FDA suggests you not go lower than 1200 per day, no matter your gender or current weight. The reason why we do not suggest tracking long-term is that some studies link tracking to eating disorders.

3. Plan balanced meals: 

This may seem like a truly obvious one, but what exactly is a balanced meal? It should have a balanced mix of fats, proteins, and carbs. Aim to fill ½ the plate with veggies, ¼ with proteins, and ¼ with carbs, and this should keep you on track. Our nutritionist discusses this in more detail in this exclusive Q&A

4. Stay hydrated: 

Drinking water is key. Not only does it help you control your appetite and prevent you from mistaking thirst for hunger, but it also helps flush out toxins and keeps your body energized.

What’s more, regularly going to the bathroom helps add to your daily steps.

5. Mindful eating: 

Mindfulness is not just about meditating for hours. It’s simply about paying attention. It can help with weight loss too! Here are some tricks to stop you from inhaling your food or eating too much:

o   Eat veggies first as they will fill you up (and help you avoid glucose spikes!)

o   Put your cutlery down in between bites.

o   Try to chew each bite at least 10 times (or 5 more than you usually chew)

o   Have small sips of water between bites.

o   Don’t doom scroll or watch TV while eating.

Here are some more tips that can help you.



The Best Fiber-Rich Foods

Dietary fiber, the unsung hero of weight management, is found in plant-based foods and comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance, promoting feelings of fullness and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool, preventing constipation and supporting digestive health. To learn more about the benefits of fiber-rich foods, read this article

Incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet is essential for promoting fullness, supporting digestive health, and aiding weight management.

Here are five of the best fiber-rich foods:

1. Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas):  

Legumes are nutritional powerhouses packed with soluble and insoluble fiber. They provide an array of vitamins, minerals, and plant-based protein.

Whether added to soups, salads, or stews, legumes offer a hearty dose of fiber that supports satiety and digestive health.

2. Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat): 

Whole grains are a fantastic source of dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates. They provide sustained energy and contribute to feelings of fullness.

Opt for whole-grain varieties of rice, pasta, and bread to enhance your fiber intake.

3. Berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries): 

Berries are not only delicious but also rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. They offer a sweet treat that supports digestive health and provides vitamins and minerals.

Add them to yogurt, or oatmeal, or enjoy them on their own for a nutritious snack.

4. Nuts and seeds (chia seeds, flaxseeds, almonds): 

Nuts and seeds are packed with fiber, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. Incorporating them into your diet provides crunch and flavor while contributing to your daily fiber intake.

Sprinkle chia or flaxseeds on your morning yogurt, over salads, or enjoy nuts as a satisfying snack.

5. Vegetables (broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts, carrots):    

Vegetables collectively offer an excellent source of fiber. Leafy greens like spinach and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts are particularly high in fiber.

Incorporate a variety of colorful veggies into your meals to boost fiber intake while benefiting from their diverse nutrient profiles.



How Dietary Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight 

Fiber-rich foods play a crucial role in your weight loss journey. Incorporating these foods into your diet creates a steady and sustained source of energy while supporting your overall health.

Here are some of the perks of eating a lot of fiber-rich food: 

1. Satiety: 

Dietary fiber promotes feelings of fullness, curbing appetite and preventing overeating. This means that by adding this to your meal, you are guaranteed a longer period of feeling full, so you won’t have to worry about being overwhelmed by cravings later. 

2. Reduced snacking:  

This brings us to our next point. Including fiber-rich foods in your meals reduces the urge to snack between meals. It takes that craving away.

If you are feeling snackish, despite having fiber-rich meals, we recommend drinking green tea or warm water. Your body’s hunger cues may just be dehydration.

3. Stabilized blood sugar:   

Fiber slows down digestion, preventing rapid blood sugar spikes and crashes that lead to cravings.

This in turn, aids in blood sugar and cholesterol regulation, which can help manage or prevent problems associated with diabetes.

4. Gut health:  

The gut is arguably the most incredible organ in our body. Or else, the gut is just having its moment in the spotlight.  If we think about a healthy gut, fiber does the heavy lifting in supporting the gut microbiome, aiding digestion and enhancing overall well-being.

Happy gut, happy life. Have you heard about the gut-brain axis? We have a detailed article describing this fascinating link.

5. Long-term success:  

Fiber-rich foods contribute to a sustainable and balanced diet, supporting your weight loss journey over time. Getting into the habit of including fiber-rich foods in every meal is the best way to maintain a healthy weight.



Some Weight Loss Tips to Stay on Track 

Sticking to your weight loss plan requires commitment and resilience.

Here are 5 tips that can help you go all in for the long haul because sustainable weight loss needs to be … sustainable! 

1. Make your goals really specific: 

Define clear and achievable goals that serve as guiding stars for your weight loss journey. In this article, we discuss SMART goals.   

2. Incorporate variety:  

Avoid monotony by diversifying your meals, exercise routines, and self-care activities. This way, you’ll look forward to doing new things rather than feeling bored by the same workout or the same meal.

3. Plan ahead: 

Prepare meals and snacks in advance to prevent impulsive, unhealthy choices during moments of hunger. Don’t let yourself get so hangry you’ll eat anything.

4. Find support:    

Surround yourself with a supportive community, friends, or a professional to encourage you and keep you accountable.

5. Practice mindfulness:  

This doesn’t have to be extreme or spiritual, just aim to stay present during meals, exercise, and daily activities, fostering a mindful approach to your weight loss plan.



Affirming Reminders to Keep in Mind on Your Weight Loss Journey 

As you navigate your weight loss journey, remember that it's a process of transformation. Here are five tips and tricks or little reminders that may keep you going, even when it feels tough.

1. You can only reach realistic goals:    

If you establish achievable short-term and long-term goals that reflect your journey's pace and your body's needs, you will reach them. Start small. Add one or two of these tips to your day today. 

2. Practice self-compassion:   

Be kind to yourself during setbacks or plateaus. Avoid self-criticism when you don’t reach your goals. It will happen, but it doesn’t have to hinder your motivation.

3. Embrace patience:  

Real, sustainable weight loss is a gradual process; embrace patience and focus on steady, progress.

4. Cultivate balance: 

Remember that weight loss isn't solely about the destination; it's about fostering a balanced and healthy relationship with food, exercise, and your body. And this can last a lifetime.

5. Celebrate small wins: 

Acknowledge and celebrate each milestone, no matter how minor, as they contribute to your progress. Here are some things you can do to celebrate that don’t involve food:

o   Take a well-deserved nap.

o   Get a wash and blow at a hair salon.

o   Get a head and shoulders massage.

o   Recreate a simple artwork you saw on Pinterest or Instagram.

o   Browse books in your closest bookshop or library.



There you have it!

This comprehensive article combines tips and advice into one ultimate guide to everything you need to know to start your weight loss journey. Embarking on this journey can be a transformative experience.

By understanding the role of daily caloric intake, embracing the magic of fiber-rich foods, and focusing on overall well-being, you empower yourself to achieve your weight loss goals.

It's a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and growth, and with the right knowledge and mindset, you can do this in a sustainable manner, with confidence and success.

If you are looking for a little extra help, you are in luck. Our in-house nutritionist, together with the research and development team, has put together this specially designed product bundle that is perfectly formulated to help you consume enough dietary fiber so you can easily shed some pounds. We also interviewed our nutritionist about losing weight

Don’t forget, you got this!


Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.