從藝術家到企業家,佳格數位發展處長 Steven:懂吃,就行
=★StevenYu 于嘉俊★=
Steven:我真的去了解過很多不同來源的相關理論,但是漸漸地,我發覺許多接觸到的飲食知識竟然會180度大轉變,許多研究的結果過一陣子又被證實是錯的。這個世界總是在更新,科學界也在不斷學習,舉例來說,以前被認為油類都是不好的,但這幾十年來陸續發現有許多健康的好油,例如Omega 3;對於肉的看法也是參差不齊,有些研究說吃肉不好,有些研究說吃肉很好;連酒的問題也一樣,常聽說「喝酒傷身」,卻又有研究指說每天喝一小杯對身體有益,諸如此類互相矛盾的訊息比比皆是。
此外,我們在社群上推出Chef Show,不僅輕鬆有趣,更讓顧客們了解到許多創意又健康的料理方法,「Wow,原來可以這樣做啊」是Chef Show的宗旨,在烹飪的過程中享受樂趣。
From artist to entrepreneur, Standard Foods Digital Director Steven Yu: Just know how to eat
A visual artist and the director of Digital Business Development of Standard Foods Group, Steven used to work as a creative director and thrives at combining creativity with strategy. He is a cross-disciplinary thinker who likes to challenge himself and he believes that connecting with people helps you to connect with yourself.
"Listen to your body to awaken your health"
Steven strives to improve his work and his art. However, he notes, that if you neglect the needs of your body, your physical strength can fail to keep up with your determination to succeed. Steven is personally aware of this after he had a profound realization in 2018. "Valuing the well-being of both body and mind," he says, “is the key to doing what we aspire to do." Just as leading a team requires leading with empathy, you must treat your body with the same attentive care, engaging in a constant dialogue with it, and carefully listening to its signals. By maintaining this harmonious interaction between body and mind, he believes you can sustain vibrant health.
“My generation is experiencing food confusion”
From disliking eating to chaotic overeating to bewilderment
Q: You are currently dedicated to both living and promoting a healthy lifestyle. When and how did this choice begin?
Steven: At the age of 8, I moved from Taipei to the United States with my family, and I often had to manage my meals alone while they were working. I relied on reheated restaurant leftovers, or I’d get groceries with my allowance and try to copy meals I saw on TV. When I did this, I always added the seasoning packets that came with Chinese takeaways. This untrained approach to meals left me repulsed and disgusted by food. It seemed like I ate the same things all the time, and all my meals were unappetizing. When I was ten, I had a serious car accident and spent three months in hospital. Unsurprisingly, I had no appetite then nor did I enjoy eating hospital food.
All through high school, I frequently experienced hunger due to my fitness regimen, which prompted me to start paying attention to my diet. As I was in pursuit of physical strength, I tried various sports and exercise regimes, including running, weight training, and karate.
During my university years, I worked as a trainer at a gym to pay for my tuition fees. My colleagues and I often discussed what constitutes a healthy diet and we tried to ascertain what foods can help improve our aesthetics. It was during this time that I developed a basic understanding of different nutrients, although I must admit I relied on hearsay and rumors, as my sources were other trainers and athletes, not nutritional textbooks or scientific research. [Laughs] You must remember, that internet access was limited back then!
At that time, my approach to eating was to eat constantly because it was difficult to gain weight. My understanding was simplistic: to build muscle, I needed to consume a large amount of protein. I also took amino acid supplements. Nothing I did was based on scientific principles but this approach did result in rapid muscle growth and weight gain.
Artist turned corporate General Manager
After graduating from university with a degree in fine arts I pursued a career as an artist and was represented by one of the best galleries in Baltimore. After doing this for several years, I decided to make a significant career shift. I moved away from creating art full-time and began working at ad agencies like Ogilvy and Saatchi & Saatchi, which took me on a journey from New York to Asia. My amazing wife joined me on this journey, and we grew our family along the way. My daughter was born in Singapore and my son was born in Shanghai.
In Shanghai, I transitioned from creative marketing to the role of general manager. I believed this transition would allow me to apply my creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to develop and expand business models. However, when I stepped into the role of General Manager I also faced the responsibility of driving business performance, increasing growth results, and maximizing financial gain. The weight of these new responsibilities brought about an unprecedented level of pressure, which negatively affected my health.
During this period, I constantly found myself in high-stress situations. I began to eat irregularly and constantly snacked on cookies and other junk food. As a result, I not only gained ten kilograms but also received alarming health check reports that indicated I had high cholesterol, fatty liver, and other health issues. When I was in Shanghai, my doctor warned me that if I continued down this path, I might face risks of cardiovascular diseases like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and high blood sugar. Along with a change in diet, I was advised to add cardiovascular workouts to my weight training at least five times a week.
My body wouldn't allow me to ignore its distress signals. I needed to pay close attention to my diet, and not just exercise. I needed to make big changes. So, I did. I controlled my calorie intake, experimented with ketogenic diets, and I even attempted intermittent fasting. I meticulously considered the nutritional composition of every meal. However, as time went on, I found that despite my efforts, the issues of high cholesterol and fatty liver just worsened as I aged. There were many red flags on my health reports.
I was full of questions as I scanned my medical reports. This was my body. My body was in danger. Why? Why was this still happening? I had made massive changes. I followed the KETO diet, avoided fried foods and I had reduced my oil and sugar intake. I didn't drink alcohol, I exercised five times a week and had dropped a lot of weight. Why was I still diagnosed with a fatty liver problem? What could possibly be causing these health issues?
Busy, Without Direction, and Adrift in a Vast Sea of Fragmented Information
Q: You were warned of the future possibility of some serious health issues. How did you face this?
Steven: I researched various theories online and in the press, all from different sources, and began to realize that much of the dietary knowledge I had believed to be true would need to undergo a 180-degree shift. As we know, so many dietary trends (based on research) that were once believed to be true were later proven wrong. For example, in the past, all fats were considered bad, but later we discovered the presence of many healthy fats, such as Omega 3. The perception of meat is also inconsistent; some studies say it's unhealthy, while others say it's beneficial. Even when it comes to alcohol, there are conflicting views – some research suggests that a small glass of alcohol daily can be beneficial but we now know that drinking alcohol has no health benefits. These examples demonstrate the ever-changing landscape of dietary knowledge. The world is constantly evolving, and the scientific community is continually learning.
My health questions about what to do were left unanswered, and this gradually grew into anxiety. As I aged, my physical strength declined, and my anxiety transformed into fear. My work had become incredibly busy, and even deciding what to eat in daily life had become a challenging and debilitating decision. My fear of triggering illnesses added even more pressure on me, not to mention my responsibility to consider the dietary needs of my family.
During this period, I came to the realization that while I cared about my health and my family’s well-being – and while I was willing to adjust my diet to prevent disease – there were too many factors to consider in this decision. There was too much conflicting information, and I was overwhelmed. What’s more, the information I received was fragmented and left me feeling confused and lost. This is a common challenge faced by many working professionals.
I don't think nutrition is constantly changing. It has been changing recently in the past ten years. Because I think people have been really investigating into how we grow our food. How we prepare our food and how we consume. I think more than ever, our environment plays a huge part in the way we think about our food, which is why everybody's being more aware of how important it is to eat the right types of foods for your body.
“In order to create powerfully, I need to be physically healthy”
When I create, my right brain is activated, and it assists my emotional imagination and inner expression. My left brain is also at work, helping me structure the composition to convey meaning. Art embodies a harmonious symbiotic meeting. If I were to create art and lead my team, I realized I needed to be healthy. Food has always been very important to me. It allows me to connect with my friends and family. I have always eaten well, but in my prior job transition I had gotten really stressed out, lost my focus on health, and paid the price for this. This was when I began doing research on nutrition that wasn’t simply about following a diet. I no longer want to treat eating and my health as a highly researched, clinical discipline. Nor did I want to follow a rigid set of rules; instead, I decided to refocus.
Instead of simply eating to have the fuel to keep working, I began to view the wide variety of available foods on offer as a rich palette of ingredients to choose from. I learned to understand the nutritional value of ingredients, selecting fresh vegetables, quality proteins, and healthy fats. I was carefully utilizing my ingredients, to create a mouthwatering masterpiece. Each finished meal was the result of thoughtful consideration. My meals were simple, but so much more holistic.
This careful and creative approach to food not only eased my anxiety but also provided me with a sense of fulfillment. I was able to fuel my creative practice with good food, which in turn fueled my creativity, in the studio and at work. By treating my body and in extension my life, with such care, I was able to step away from experiencing my health and my body as problems to fix.
I came to the realization that the issues I faced, like high cholesterol and fatty liver, do not respond well to impulsive and aggressive confrontations. Instead, much like how I dealt with challenges at work or in the family, I began to interact gently, initiate conversation, and show respect. Don’t get me wrong: this approach is not suitable for everyone, but it worked for me. I started to change the way I eat my carbs, and began replacing rice with other grains like quinoa and oats or mixing them together.
Perhaps, I thought, through care, attention, and creativity, more people could harness solutions to their health problems and reshape themselves with ease instead of force?
"I believe fate guided me to Standard Foods Group"
One of my missions is to address pain points before they occur
Q: What motivated you to join Standard Foods Group, and what sets this job apart from your previous work experiences?
Steven: In marketing, a common phrase we use is “pain points” which is another term for problems. If we can identify people’s various pain points we can address them, usually in the form of a product or a service.
One pain point I have is that I eat healthily and work out consistently, yet I have high cholesterol and fatty liver. I was unsure of how to resolve this, and I noticed that modern medical systems do not adequately provide this information to the public. There are no good or bad foods, but eating well is an art, and it’s all about balance. Since most people only schedule check-ups or appointments when problems arise, doctors are not given the opportunity to offer timely and personalized guidance to avoid illness. Usually, they are only able to offer their expertise after illness has taken hold or when issues arise.
Another thing I noticed when shopping for health food online is that a product’s nutritional information is not easily accessible, nor is it linked to product pages. When shopping online, it makes sense for E-commerce platforms to provide this information, otherwise, people are not aware of the health benefits of the products they purchase. Health foods are also more expensive and people need motivation to take these products. I believe ecommerce platforms can improve their offerings and my team is working hard to provide an integrated service to the general public to address this.
But let’s backtrack, as I’m getting ahead of myself. I joined Standard Foods Group in early 2023 and I feel that my decision came at the perfect time. Since joining, my health and my daily life have become an ongoing experiment. I enjoy integrating Standard Food products into my daily routine, as they are of the highest quality, and our research and development team is exceptional. Every day now, I break my fast at noon with a sugar-free ginseng drink. I have replaced refined rice with oats and grains, and I take our probiotic supplements after lunch and dinner.
Before joining Standard Foods Group, I had heard about ginseng essence, but I thought it was just like drinking coffee or other energy drinks. Later, I discovered it has a much more profound effect on the body. It has liver-protective properties and helps it metabolize harmful substances, like alcohol. Since energy is stored in the liver as glycogen, taking care of your liver is vital. I also learned that ginseng shields against physical illnesses brought on by stress.
Oats similarly have surprising benefits. Although oats are carbohydrates, their low glycemic index and rich dietary fiber help stabilize blood sugar and control cholesterol. After changing my diet, my daily routine remained relatively unchanged, yet my body quickly and noticeably experienced positive changes.
The most significant improvement was the disappearance of bloating issues that had persisted since the car accident that happened when I was ten years old. As I now take probiotic supplements after lunch and dinner, my digestion has improved, and my bloating problem is gone.
Now, I pay close attention to the composition of every meal. I am constantly experimenting with various ingredients, and creatively incorporate oats and other healthy grains into my culinary creations. My colleagues and I cook for each other in our company kitchen, and we integrate products from Standard Foods' well-loved brands into our recipes. We regularly eat these meals together and share our recipes too. This simple act gives me a sense of well-being. [Laughs] I even look forward to the whole office going for health check-ups together to see if our health data has improved.
In my previous work in the advertising industry, I encountered many products that were framed as answers to pain points. Take cosmetics for example. The marketing and advertising strategy found problems such as aging, wrinkles, sun damage, and saggy skin. A series of products would be introduced as part of a skincare routine to address these issues.
In contrast to this approach, we do things a little differently at Standard Foods Group. We address pain points before they occur. We certainly don't wait for problems to arise; instead, we make sure that the products we sell – and the dietary changes that come with using them – bring health and happiness to people’s daily lives. This is the concept we want to promote.
To continue with the cosmetic example, just as skincare products are carefully applied to moisturize, feed, and protect the skin, dietary choices must also be thoughtfully considered. Each ingredient plays a crucial role in forming a balanced and wholesome approach to well-being.
“Remember that Consumers are People"
One essential aspect of my work at Standard Foods Group revolves around making it effortless for customers to choose healthy and beneficial products. In pursuit of our commitment to assist more individuals in finding suitable and healthy dietary approaches, we have implemented a nutrition consultation system. This is a crucial component of our approach to well-being. Additionally, every week, we present “The Chef Show” on our social media platforms and it’s all about embracing the joy of cooking. This program is not only light-hearted and entertaining but also provides our customers with insight into creative and healthy cooking. The catchphrase of “The Chef Show” is "Wow, I didn't know you could cook like that!"
Starting with the interview you’re reading now, we will be conducting monthly interviews with experts from various fields to gain multifaceted perspectives on how a healthy lifestyle does not have to have any parameters. Our goal is to actively foster a collaborative environment where everyone can share their experiences.
We don’t want to simply tell people to take nutritional supplements. That’s not for us to say. In fact, doing that is like telling an illustrator what to draw, step by step, without telling him what the overall image is of. I believe healthy eating should be about understanding what combination of foods best helps your body heal from inflammation. A healthy lifestyle is not just doctrine or science; it also is an art. The main reason I work to live in optimum health is so I can create art, lead my team, and enjoy my time with my family.
Why is health important to you?
Q: Can you offer any advice or insight to someone seeking guidance on a healthy diet?
Steven: If you’re struggling with your health or want to avoid health issues in the future, I believe that the right combination of foods may be the pathway to physical and mental health. If you’re wondering how to find this combination, then you’re in luck. A subscription to Standard Foods offers big savings, links nutritional information to each product, and the service reminds subscribers to take their supplements and cook healthily so they are motivated to live well. Stay tuned! The right program for you is just around the corner and my team and I are excited to share this offering with you soon.