健康生活不外乎是多運動、維持良好飲食、適當地攝取碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪等營養,但還有一個幕後功臣常常被大家忘記⋯⋯ 它就是:
水溶性纖維含量高的食物有:燕麥、豆類、小扁豆、水果、紅蘿蔔和球芽甘藍等蔬菜; 非水溶性纖維含量高的食物包括:未精製的全穀雜糧、堅果、種子、蔬菜水果的表皮。
沒有什麼事是比進廁所的時候可以「一路順暢」還爽快的吧! 膳食纖維是一種全植飲食中很常見的物質,它不被人體消化,膳食纖維可促進腸道蠕動,並增加糞便的體積協助它們快速通過、排出。
- 高膳食纖維的食物可以讓消化後的能量緩慢地釋放出來、減少突然肚子餓或想要大吃大喝的情形,讓日常飲食更穩定。
- 燕麥和豆類中常見的水溶性纖維在遇到水的時候會變得像凝膠一樣,因此可以放慢消化速度,讓身體好好地吸收營養。
人生已經很難了,我們想幫你把飲食控制變得簡單一點! 佳格食品除了持續分享優質的營養知識給你之外,我們還動員了專職營養師和研發部門幫你精心設計了一個全新飲食控制產品組合,讓你可以輕鬆啟程!
照著我們建議的使用方式,這個組合裡面的產品每天大概能夠提供你 500 大卡的熱量(每天所需熱量的 30%),所以如果你每天的熱量攝取目標是 1,500 大卡,那就還需要從一般的食物中獲取另外 70% 的熱量(1,000 大卡),你唯一需要改變的是把你每天吃的東西中,高熱量、高度加工的食物拿掉,再用這個組合裡的產品替代就可以囉!
衛福部最新的熱量攝取建議是:女性每天「至少」需要 1,200 大卡、男性每天最少 1,400 大卡,如果你還想要消耗更多熱量,就要用運動來補足了。
接下來我們就要跟你介紹怎麼使用這個組合裡的 4 個產品,告訴你怎麼吃、什麼時候吃、怎麼無縫接軌把這些產品融入到你的日常生活中,讓你可以輕鬆追蹤一天攝取的熱量!
這小小一個隨身瓶 名字雖然有點長,但功能超級讚!早上先喝這個攝取鈣、鎂、維生素 E 再開啟新的一天! 白藜蘆醇是葡萄皮和籽裡面的一種分子,含多元營養,桂格葡萄萃取物含白藜蘆醇完膳營養素隨身瓶讓你每天神清氣爽!
可以每天喝一瓶、一個星期喝 5~6 次,我們的營養師建議你可以早餐或午餐的時候吃、搭配 1~2 個茶葉蛋或雞肉沙拉,這樣就有優質蛋白質、營養、能量,不用再千里迢迢跑出辦公室買高油又高熱量的便當了!
每瓶 237 毫升、235 大卡,有 12 公克的蛋白質和 5 公克的膳食纖維。每箱有 24 瓶,每週 6 瓶的話,一個月就喝得完了。
你可以直接把它當比白飯更健康的替代品,或直接弄得豐盛一點,做成早餐吃的鹹 / 甜燕麥粥,鹹燕麥粥可以給你更多能量,來參考 3 個佳格幫你設計的超簡單鹹燕麥粥食譜試試看(不夠的話這裡還有 12 個)!今天不想吃鹹的,那就買點莓果,直接伸手牌來拿一週甜燕麥粥食譜!
桂格即沖即食大燕麥片每罐是 1100 公克,如果你正在熱量管理、想把一天攝取的熱量壓在 1,500 大卡以內,那就每天選其中一餐吃一份、也就是 3 大匙(37.5 公克),這樣會是 140 大卡,桂格這罐即食大燕麥片就可以讓你吃差不多一個月了!(每份 37.5 公克、每罐含 29.7 份)
我們在這個產品裡特別加入了各種穀物粉和堅果粉(包括:燕麥、糙米、大麥、蓮子、腰果、南瓜子、核桃、銀杏果、松子),讓你可以攝取鈣;鋅;維生素 D,確保自己有達到一天應該攝取的熱量,同時維生素D增進鈣吸收、幫助骨骼及牙齒的生長發育;另外還有抗氧化的維生素 E 有助於減少自由基的產生、膳食纖維果寡醣*oligo fructooligosaccharides 有助維持消化道機能。
直接當點心或早餐的時候搭配燕麥粥。每天下午肚子餓的時候,把 35 公克(2.3 大匙)的桂格順暢高纖營養全穀奶加入 280 毫升的冷水或熱水, 你就再也不用因為下午多吃了甜食而有罪惡感了!每天不要喝超過 2 杯才不會超過你設定的熱量管理目標。
每罐有 600 公克,一份是 35 公克(2.3 大匙)、每一份 125 大卡、每罐總共含 17.1 份,要喝的時候把 35 公克的桂格順暢高纖營養全穀奶和 280 毫升的水混合就可以了!
4.天地合補 EXX 消化菌粉
別以為這裡面只有一種消化酵素!天地合補 EXX 消化菌粉裡有 19 種活性消化酵素幫助分解脂肪、蛋白質、澱粉、醣類、纖維;它還有 10 種不同的益菌株幫助營養的吸收、改變細菌叢生態、幫助維持消化道機能、調節生理機能,這小小一包裡面就有 200 億Cells可以耐胃酸和膽鹼的益生菌!
把它加入水中再喝,或是直接倒入嘴巴裡和水一起喝下去都 OK!
每次一包,飯前、飯中、飯後吃都可以,選每天吃最多的那餐吃天地合補 EXX 消化菌粉就對了,最好規律吃,所以挑一個時間、每天都那個時間吃,就可以確保自己不會忘記。
我們通常會建議在飯前吃益生菌,但因為天地合補的 EXX 消化菌粉把益生元、益生菌、消化酵素都放在一起了,所以吃的時間可以非常彈性。
每盒有 30 小包,一包是 2.5 公克,所以一天吃一次的話,一盒可以吃一整個月!
你是不是已經試過各種方式、但又苦苦找不到同時兼顧健康、便利、營養的方法呢? 我們知道你平常很累、很辛苦,所以推出了這個全新飲食控制產品組合,讓佳格幫你一把!
這個組合夠吃一個月,照著我們建議的頻率、時間、調味方式,用 2~3 個月親身見證它的效果,讓簡單、好維持的飲食習慣帶領你走上長長久久的健康生活!
你可以<點擊這個連結>購買我們營養師和團隊精心打造的體重控制組合,讓我們嚴密的品質管控和 37 年來無數的研究和實驗在你的健康之旅上助你一臂之力。
5 Benefits of Dietary Fiber and 4 Nutritionist-approved Fiber-rich Products to Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey
When pursuing a healthy lifestyle, we tend to think about exercising and eating well. Eating well is frequently understood as a good combination of the right macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
What often goes unnoticed is dietary fiber, the unsung hero of a healthy diet. That’s why, in this article, we will provide a deep dive into everything you need to know about dietary fiber and give you five benefits of incorporating more fiber into your diet.
We are also excited to introduce an exciting new fiber-rich product bundle our nutritionist has put together that will help you on your weight loss journey.
What is Dietary Fiber?
Dietary fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate found in many plants. It comes in two forms: soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, and insoluble fiber, which does not.
Both forms offer distinct advantages when it comes to weight loss and overall well-being.
Foods rich in soluble fiber include oats, beans, lentils, fruits, and vegetables like carrots and Brussels sprouts. These foods form a gel-like substance in the stomach, contributing to feelings of fullness and slowing down digestion.
Insoluble fiber, found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, and the skin of fruits and vegetables, adds bulk to stool and aids in the movement of waste through the digestive tract.
Five Benefits of Dietary Fiber
Dietary fiber plays a pivotal role in the realm of weight loss and overall health. As individuals navigate the intricate landscape of weight loss and weight management, the inclusion of dietary fiber emerges as a potent secret weapon that offers a multitude of benefits.
Let’s take a look at some of these benefits:
1. It makes your poops incredible (i.e normal):
One of the best free gifts of life is having an incredible poop. Dietary fiber helps maintain regular bowel movements.
As a non-digestible component found in plant-based foods, fiber adds bulk to stool and aids in its movement through the digestive tract.
Insoluble fiber, present in foods like whole grains, nuts, and the skins of fruits and vegetables, acts as a gentle stimulant for the intestines, promoting regularity. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, forms a gel-like substance when mixed with water, softening stool, and facilitating smoother passage.
By incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet, you can ensure that your digestive system functions optimally, preventing constipation and promoting a healthy and comfortable gastrointestinal experience.
2. It cleans out your gut:
Linked to the previous benefit, dietary fiber is often referred to as nature's broom.
As it is full of roughage and bulk, it helps sweep away digested detritus in the gut, cleaning it up, and moving it along, allowing for better absorption of nutrients.
A healthy gut is exceptionally important. Did you know that your gut is connected to your brain?
Scientists have discovered that there is a direct gut-brain axis and a healthy gut can keep your brain happy and working optimally.
3. It keeps you feeling fuller for longer:
One of the primary advantages of dietary fiber is its ability to enhance feelings of satiety.
When consumed, fiber-rich foods expand in the stomach, triggering a sensation of fullness that can help control appetite and prevent overeating. This natural mechanism is particularly valuable if you want to reduce your caloric intake as part of a weight loss plan.
By increasing the volume of food consumed without significantly adding to the calorie count, dietary fiber offers a simple yet effective way to curb hunger and support portion control.
4. It regulates blood sugar levels:
Dietary fiber acts as a guardian for stable blood sugar levels as it slows down the digestion process.
As mentioned before, soluble fiber, found in foods like oats and beans, forms a gel-like substance when mixed with water. This gel slows the absorption of glucose, preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar after meals.
Additionally, fiber-rich foods contribute to sustained energy release, reducing the likelihood of sudden crashes in blood sugar levels. This means you won’t be left feeling hangry in your midafternoon meeting!
This controlled response aids in insulin sensitivity, helping your body utilize glucose effectively and preventing type 2 diabetes. It also releases slowly so you don’t experience rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of sudden hunger pangs and excessive food cravings.
5. It regulates cholesterol:
Your cholesterol levels are important because they let you know how likely you are to develop heart disease.
A particular kind of lipid (fat), cholesterol aids your body in carrying out several crucial processes. However, having too much cholesterol in your blood is unhealthy. Atherosclerotic plaque, or hardened deposits, can develop because of it entering your arterial wall, compromising the wall's integrity.
That’s why regular cholesterol levels are important, and dietary fiber can play a significant role in regulating these cholesterol levels.
Specifically, soluble fiber, specifically found in oats, acts like a sponge in the digestive system, binding to cholesterol molecules and preventing their absorption into the bloodstream.
This process reduces the overall levels of LDL cholesterol (often referred to as "bad" cholesterol) in the blood. By lowering LDL cholesterol, soluble fiber indirectly promotes heart health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Choose Health!
As you embark on your weight loss efforts, consider the power of dietary fiber as a trusted ally. Incorporating fiber-rich foods into your meals not only supports your goal of shedding pounds but also nurtures your body with essential nutrients and promotes optimal digestion.
From fueling your body with complex carbohydrates to savoring the vibrant flavors of fruits and vegetables, dietary fiber is a versatile and impactful component of your weight loss journey. Remember that sustainable weight loss is about embracing a holistic approach, and dietary fiber is a key ingredient in this transformative equation.
Do You Want a Nutritionist’s Help Losing Weight?
If you are looking for a specially designed product bundle for weight loss, we have just the thing for you. At Standard Foods, we know that life can be challenging and so can weight management, and that's why we have been working to share the best of our nutritional knowledge with you.
Our Research and Development Team has collaborated at length with our nutritionist to put together a weight management bundle that will help you kickstart your weight loss program.
This weight management bundle covers around 500 calories each day, or 30% of your daily meals. This means, if you are aiming to consume 1500 calories a day, you will still need to eat around 1000 calories worth (70%) of real natural foods.
In other words, you add this to your current eating plan and omit the more processed and calorie-dense foods you’d eat with these products. The most recent FDA-approved calorie count is 1200 minimum per day for women and 1400 per day for men. If you want to lose more calories, then fill in the gap with exercise.
Our specially designed weight management bundle contains four vital products that we explain how to effortlessly include into each day so you can easily track your daily caloric intake, feel great while losing weight, and know exactly what to eat, and when.
Product #1: Quaker Grape Extract with Resveratrol Complete Meal Nutrients
Nutritional details:
This small bottle with a long name will give you everything you need to start your day right. Resveratrol, a compound found in grape skins and seeds is both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps regulate glucose and lipids. Combined with vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium, you are guaranteed to feel good while losing weight.
How does it taste?
Pretty delicious actually! It has a smooth, creamy, and mildly sweet flavor. You will want to finish every drop.
How to eat it?
Shake the bottle and drink. You can have it chilled over ice, drink it at room temperature, or warm it up. Or you can blend it into a smoothie with some frozen fruit.
When to eat it?
Morning / Lunch. Since one bottle only accounts for 235 calories, our nutritionist recommends you drink this in the morning or at lunch, with a tea egg or a chicken salad for added protein and energy. If you don’t work from home, chances are you probably eat something from a convenience store or choose a lunch box or some noodles from a restaurant nearby. But unfortunately, these meals are often very oily and high in calories. If you eat this day after day, you will gain weight. That’s why we recommend this drink and a Japanese soft-boiled egg or two, for a healthy and nutritious lunch. You can choose to drink one bottle a day, 5/6 times a week.
Serving details:
Every case comes with 24 x 237ml bottles so you can drink 6 bottles each week to finish one case in a month. Each bottle contains 235 calories and provides your body with 12 grams of protein and 5 grams of dietary fiber.
Product #2 Quaker Instant Oatmeal
Nutritional details:
This single ingredient is an incredible addition to your daily routine. Made of 100% natural oats with no added sugar, Quaker Instant Oatmeal is a great source of ready-to-eat, water-soluble dietary fiber, which is so important for weight loss. Oats help lower total blood cholesterol, reduce body fat formation, and reduce risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease.
How does it taste?
It depends on how you flavor it. Oats are very versatile, soaking up the delicious flavors of anything you add to it. On its own, it has a mild nutty or toasted flavor.
How to eat it?
Think of oats as a healthy rice replacement. Or really spice it up and make it the center of your meal. Your body prefers having a savory breakfast to a sweet one, as it gives you steady glucose levels and lots of energy throughout the day. So, here are 3 great savory oat recipes. Here’s 12 more! Or, if you really want something sweet, you can choose to add berries and make overnight oats.
*Hot tip*
Meal prep and make a pot of savory oats that you can separate into several lunch boxes. Get yourself extra veggies, some protein, and some fruit, and you’re all set for a healthy lunch!
When to eat it?
Add it to your breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Serving Details:
Each can of instant oatmeal contains 1100 grams of oats which amounts to 29.7 servings of 37.5 g each.
If you are aiming to lose weight and you’re following the 1500-calorie-a-day restriction, then have a single serving for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. A single serving is 37.5g (3 tablespoons) which is equal to 140 calories.
Product #3 Quaker High Fiber Nutritious Whole Grain Milk
Nutritional Details:
Another great way to add more dietary fiber to your diet is with this whole grain high fiber nutritious powder, made from a specially formulated blend of oats, brown rice, barley, lotus seed, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, ginkgo nuts, and pine nuts.
It is fortified with calcium, zinc, and Vitamin D3 so you can improve calcium absorption, look after your bones and teeth, and meet your daily caloric intake, all at the same time.
There’s also added Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps reduce free radical production, and oligo fructooligosaccharides which are digestive fibers that improve gut health by feeding the probiotics in your gut.
How does it taste?
This drink is slightly malty, so it offers a taste of nutty caramel, toast, or coffee.
How to eat it?
This drink is designed to have as a snack, or you can combine it with your oatmeal in the morning. Mix 35 grams (2.3 tablespoons) with 280 ml water and feel proud that you didn’t give in to candy or chocolate when you feel that afternoon slump. Enjoy it hot or cold.
When to eat it?
This is a perfect snack for when you get hungry in the afternoon or if you want a little something in your belly to help you sleep better. Have no more than 2 glasses a day, so you can stick to your daily caloric plan.
Serving details:
Each can contains 600 grams which amounts to 17.1 servings of 35 grams each.
A single serving of 35 grams (2.3 tablespoons) should be mixed with 280 ml of water and accounts for 125 calories.
Product #4 EXX Digestive Enzymes Powder
Nutritional details:
Our EXX Digestive Enzyme Powder has a misleading name! It doesn’t only have one digestive enzyme in it! It has 19 kinds of active digestive enzymes to help decompose fat, protein, starch, glycation, and fiber. It also contains 10 kinds of beneficial bacteria strains that help nutrient absorption, maintain a healthy flora ecology, and enhance gut protection. And there’s more! This small package also offers 20 billion probiotic cells, that are resistant to gastric acid and cholinergic. And the cherry on the cake is that this sweet and sour powder is actually very delicious.
How does it taste?
Effervescent, fizzy, sweet, and sour. It pops on your tongue, like a surprise!
How to eat it?
Pour the powder onto your tongue and swallow it down with a glass of water or dissolve it in a small glass of water before drinking.
When to eat it?
Take a sachet before, during, or after your largest meals. Most probiotics are best taken before a meal, but since this is a combination of prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes, it’s perfectly fine to take around meals. It’s flexible like that. It is better to eat this regularly so try to be consistent.
Serving details:
There are 30 packets and each one is 2.5 grams so if taken once a day, this should last you for a whole month.
Some Takeaways
At Standard Foods, we recognize that we all need some encouragement when doing difficult things. We want to extend a helping hand to you on your weight loss journey. We recommend you try this weight management bundle and see how it works for you, especially if you’ve tried various other methods, and want something healthy, nutrient-rich, and sustainable.
If you eat these products as recommended, they will last you for a whole month. Why not give it a try? Stick to this plan for at least 2-3 months and see visible physical differences.
How to Buy Our Weight Management Bundle
Now you have all the details of our newly curated weight management bundle. These products have been carefully selected by our nutritionist and all these products are clinically supported and backed by 37 years of extensive research and quality testing. You’re in good hands.
If you want to find out about some practical tips for portion control and how to feel fuller for longer, read this article, or do a deep dive into how beneficial prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes are.
Don’t forget, you got this!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.