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你一直想要減重嗎?不管你的目標是減 5 公斤還是 25 公斤,都一定要看這篇文章,你會學到怎麼同時顧到一天的熱量攝取限制又吃得飽、吃得開心!


這篇文章會告訴你真的可以用得上的方法,教你怎麼控制飲食的份量,讓減肥不會痛苦又遙不可及, 如果你要找的是關於減肥常見的疑問,就來看這篇文章;想要了解膳食纖維對減重的重要性,就點選這篇文章

















要吃得夠營養,每一餐裡面就一定要有這三種營養素:蛋白質、脂肪、複合型碳水化合物(例如:青菜、非精製穀物), 原則上你吃的東西一半要是非澱粉類蔬菜、四分之一是蛋白質、四分之一是像水果或是全穀類的高纖維碳水化合物,然後煮菜的時候用比較健康的油,就也有攝取到脂肪, 這種飲食才會讓飽足感維持地比較久。





你知道食物的體積也會影響飽足感嗎?基本上只要份量越大、就會讓我們越有飽足感,如果你有在控制自己一天攝取的熱量的話,可以多吃蔬菜、水果等含水量高的食物 ,它們除了熱量密度低、還有較多的纖維,讓我們可以吃進比較少的卡路里、但還是覺得有吃飽!



前面提到的《血糖大革命》的作者潔西.恩喬斯貝掛保證、可以控制血糖的方法還有: 在吃東西前喝一點醋! 只要把一湯匙的蘋果醋加在水裡面、在飯前喝,血糖變化的曲線就會比原本平緩 45%!這樣在飯前喝的話,醋可以幫助減重、控制血糖。




研究顯示有聲音或沒有聲音會讓食物吃起來不太一樣 ,例如:吃蘋果的時候如果沒有清脆的聲音、咬下去的時候聽起來濕濕軟軟的,你會覺得這顆蘋果還是一樣好吃嗎?


大小也很重要!吃東西的時候如果放在比較小的碗盤裡 ,大腦會覺得這個份量比實際上多很多,我們就可以吃比較少、但還是覺得很滿足、有吃飽,但如果把食物放在比較大的碗盤裡,我們可能會盛到比平常多 18%的食物。




色彩心理學絕對不是在講假的,像藍色或鮮紅色 就是自然界中少見的顏色,所以如果用這兩個顏色的碗盤裝食物,很多人看到就會完全不想吃了;還有,如果食物放在同樣顏色的碗盤上,我們通常就會吃得更多,所以想要讓自己吃更多蔬菜的話,就用綠色的碗裝你的沙拉吧!而想要讓甜食更好吃的話就用白色的碗盤、鹹食就用深棕或黑色的盤子。



你吃東西的時候會吃得很快嗎?如果你通常都是狼吞虎嚥地吃東西,可以試試看這個超級簡單的方法:「每吃一口、就把餐具放下來!」這樣你除了會更認真嚼食物,也可以避免自己一直把食物往嘴裡塞,同時可以控制食物份量 、更有飽足感、 吃得更少。

單單改變這個小習慣就可以讓我們更有意識地飲食、專注在「吃」的體驗裡。 除了在每一口之間放下餐具,在吃東西的時候也盡量不要看電視、滑手機,好好地品嚐食物的味道,這樣我們會更認真看待「吃」這件事,並且幫我們注意到吃飽的感覺 ,也才不會吃太多。








我們可以藉由了解食物的營養組成、份量、以及五感對飲食經驗的影響,在減重的過程中做出有意識的選擇,認識「飽足感」背後的科學、控制飲食的份量,可以讓我們減重的過程簡單很多,而且又可以吃得飽、吃得滿足 。 













Satiety Secrets for Weight Loss: 7 Practical Tips for Portion Control and Feeling Full

If you've been wondering how to lose some weight, whether it's 5 kg or 25 kg, this article is for you. We will explore some simple satiety secrets that will help you feel full and satisfied even while watching your daily caloric intake, so you can lose weight and not feel deprived. 

With practical tips and strategies for practicing portion control, we will make your weight loss journey feel more manageable and enjoyable. Read this article if you’re interested in learning more about some of the common concerns people have when trying to lose weight or check out our article on how important dietary fiber is during your weight loss journey.  


Many people, when trying to lose weight, believe they must eat a lot less than they currently do. Lowering your daily caloric intake is a certifiably great way of losing weight. But lower it too much, and the first stumbling block you’ll experience will be your constant battle against hunger. Left unfed, hunger can quickly turn into "hanger" – that dreadful mix of hunger and anger.

There’s nothing worse than feeling angry and irritated because you’re hungry. If you have ever felt this way, it will be helpful to have some tricks up your sleeve so you can be guaranteed to feel satisfied after a meal and avoid getting hangry.


7 Practical Tips for Weight Loss, Portion Control, and Feeling Full:

Let’s look at five practical tips and strategies for incorporating portion control and maximizing feelings of fullness into your daily routine. 

7 Practical Tips for Weight Loss, Portion Control, and Feeling Full

1.      Eat Your Food in the Right Order to Avoid Glucose Spikes:

If you take one bit of information away from this article, it should be this. The order in which you eat your meals can control how quickly you get hungry after eating. Depending on what you eat and in what order, your glucose levels will spike and subsequently crash. Glucose spikes wreak havoc on our hunger hormones, so we go from feeling full to being hungry again very quickly.

Jessie Inchauspé, author of the Glucose Revolution and Glucose Goddess, has done real-time experimentation and research on glucose and its effects on the body. The science shows that the magic recipe for how to avoid glucose spikes and their subsequent crashes is always the same.

Try to always start your meal with vegetables, followed by proteins and fats, then carbohydrates, and end your meal with dessert (if desired) rather than eating something sweet on an empty stomach. Your blood glucose levels will be stable, and this is linked to improved satiety and weight management. What’s more, you will probably get full on the vegetables first! Inchauspé says “You don’t need willpower – you just eat the same meal, but start with veggies." 


2.      The Nutrient Composition of Your Meal Can Keep You Feeling Fuller for Longer:

Now that you know what order to eat your meals in to feel fuller, let’s look at what to eat, as the nutrient composition of your meal plays a crucial role in determining how satisfied you feel after eating.

Your best meals are a combination of three macronutrients

Your best meals are a combination of three macronutrients: complex carbohydrates  ̶̶  including vegetables and whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. As a rule, aim to have half your plate full of non-starchy vegetables, a quarter should be high-fiber carbs, this includes whole grains and fruit, and a quarter should be a source of protein. Get your fats by using healthy fats when cooking. Meals like these will keep you fuller for longer.

Complex carbs promote steady energy levels and contribute to feelings of fullness. Proteins take longer to digest and have a strong satiating effect and fats provide a feeling of satisfaction and prevent rapid hunger spikes. If you struggle to eat vegetables in every meal, consider adding a low-sugar complete nutrition drink to balance out your nutrient intake.


3.      Eat Larger Helpings of Vegetables to Help with Portion Control:

The physical volume of food we consume also affects our satiety levels. Generally, larger portions tend to trigger a greater sense of fullness. If you are watching your daily caloric intake, it may be helpful to know that foods with high water content like vegetables and fruits have a low caloric density but can fill up our stomachs with fiber, making us feel satisfied with fewer calories.


4.      Drink Vinegar Diluted in Water Before you Eat:

One more piece of advice Jessie Inchauspé swears by is drinking a little bit of vinegar before eating, for example, adding 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in water before meals as this action alone flattens a glucose curve by 45%. When taken before meals the vinegar can help manage blood sugar and promote weight loss.


5.      Maximize Sensory Cues for Maximum Satisfaction:

Sensory cues, such as the aroma, taste, and appearance of food, play a significant role in our eating experience. If you slow down to savor the flavors and textures of each meal, this can enhance the overall satisfaction of eating, leading to a more fulfilling dining experience.

  • What’s more, sound is important too. Researchers discovered that food could be made to taste different through the addition or subtraction of sound alone. Think about the sound of biting into a crisp apple. What if the sound was less crunchy and more squishy?
  • Size always matters. If you dish your food on a smaller plate your brain will perceive your food as being significantly more than it really is, helping you to feel satiated and satisfied on less food. If you dish your food on a larger plate, you will unconsciously add up to 18% more food.
  • Presentation matters too. Did you know that people are more likely to rate a meal as more delicious based on how it was plated and more expensive based on what cutlery they used? Simple hacks like cutting meat horizontally, garnishing your food, and considering how you arrange ingredients have been shown to make a meal considerably more appetizing and satisfying.
  • Certain colors affect how hungry you feel. Color psychology about food is real! Many people will lose their appetite when eating on blue plates, as it is a color rarely found in nature. Same for bright red plates. If your plate is the same color as the food you are serving, you will probably eat more of it, so plate your salads on green plates.

Some other tidbits: sweet things taste better on white plates while savory foods taste better on dark brown or black plates.


6.      Put Your Cutlery Down Between Bites:

Do you eat very quickly? If you tend to inhale your food, try this trick. It’s the simplest thing you can do. Putting down your fork between bites forces you to chew your food and stops you from quickly shoveling in mouthfuls. This is a guaranteed trick to slowing down your eating which will help you to portion control and feel full while eating less.   

Changing this one habit will help you to eat more mindfully. Eating mindfully involves paying full attention to the eating experience. Avoid distractions like TV or smartphones during meals and take the time to savor each bite. By putting your fork down, you will eat more slowly, and this slowly can change the way you think about food, help you recognize feelings of fullness, and prevent overeating.


7.      Hydrate Wisely:

Many people enjoy drinking water, tea, or other drinks while eating meals. Some believe it dilutes digestive juices, while others believe it aids digestion. No matter how you feel, if you are drinking liquids, you will pause your eating to take sips and this will slow down your eating.  

If you do enjoy a drink with your meal, be mindful of your beverage choices. Opt for water, herbal teas, or soymilk, rather than sugary drinks or alcohol, as they can add unnecessary calories without providing nutrition or satiety.


Room for More

Understanding the science of satiety and incorporating portion control can make a significant difference in your weight loss journey. By paying attention to nutrient composition, food volume, and sensory cues, you can make mindful choices that leave you feeling full and satisfied.

You don’t need to change your whole life to lose weight. If you integrate at least one or two of the practical tips for portion control and satiety, you will see firsthand that losing weight doesn't have to mean feeling hangry. You can nourish your body with delicious foods and create a healthy and balanced relationship with eating. Embrace these satiety secrets, and your weight loss journey will become a sustainable and enjoyable path to a healthier, happier you.

You got this!


Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.