不只要健康飲食! 先盤點減肥常見五大問題,找對減肥方法
剛開始考慮要減肥的時候,你一定會有很多問題,先不管我們減肥的目的到底是什麼(例如:是為了健康著想、還是為了要穿下 10 年前買的緊身褲),你可能會想問:只要健康飲食就可以了嗎?計算一天熱量攝取了多少就可以嗎?那要運動嗎?怎麼運動?
我們都知道當我們體重過重的時候,就可能會有各種健康相關的疑慮,所以注意自己的體重的確是很重要的!我們相信減不減重都是個人的決定,但當你決定要減重的時候,我們想在佳格健康 GO 這裡和你分享一些減肥小白可以參考的減肥準則、減肥方法、還有減重正確的資訊!
在電影院超受歡迎的「芭比」裡其中有一個角色:葛蘿莉亞(艾美莉卡.弗瑞娜 飾)在電影裡指出這個世界對女性的外貌標準實在太不合理,她的台詞是:「要當女人根本就是不可能的任務,你要很瘦、但不能太瘦,而且永遠不能說你想要變得很瘦,你要說的是你想要很健康,但同時你要是很瘦的樣子。」葛蘿莉亞赤裸裸地道出了這個世界對女性不合邏輯、相互矛盾的審美標準。
★開始減肥前要問自己的 5 個問題
相反的,你可以諮詢營養師,幫助你規劃個人飲食計劃,這種計畫的菜單通常都會包括均衡、營養、又富含膳食纖維的食物,例如:未精製的全穀雜糧 、水果、青菜、豆子、豌豆、各種豆類、堅果、可食用的種子⋯⋯等等,如果你有吃這些原型食物、同時搭配有氧和肌力訓練(例如:重訓)的話,減肥的過程不容易飢餓、使得成功機率更高!
接下來我們要討論的就是「減肥」和 「減脂」的差別:很多人會直接把這兩個名詞畫上等號,但其實減「肥」說的是我們整個人體重的減少,但是我們減的可能是水、肌肉量、也可能是脂肪,大家可能會想說健康飲食加上運動就是「減脂」了,但其實這樣減的是體重,體重計上的數字可能減少了,但其實我們並沒有更健康、身體的脂肪量也並沒有減少。
「SMART」指的是設定目標時要注意的五個面向: S 指的是「明確的(Specific)」 、M 是「可衡量(Measurable)」 、A 是「可實現(Achievable)」、R 是「有關聯(Relevant)」 、T 是「有時間性(Time-bound)」
接下來我們會分析 SMART 的每個原則、還有我們要如何把它們應用在減肥和體重管理上:
●A 可實現的:
記得你的目標要是真的可實現的,如果設了太極端、太困難的目標,反而可能會讓自己失望、喪失動力喔!在想到底什麼東西是「可實現的」時,可以把自己現在的體重、生活方式、健康狀況納入考量,例如,如果一個人想在一個月內減 15 公斤,不僅不實際,還很不健康呢!但如果改成三個月至半年要減 15 公斤,就是「可實現的」!
我們減肥應該要是為了自己的身心健康,所以目標也應該要和身心健康相關,不要為了別人的壓力或眼光,而把減肥的目標設定為「我褲子都要穿 23 腰!」,把重點放在真正能讓我們更健康、生活品質更好的面向,例如:「我要為了心血管健康而降低體脂!」
●T 有時間性的:
有「時間性」的目標都會有一定的截止日期,這樣我們才會有緊張的感覺、過程也比較有方向,減肥的時候,有一定的時程表才會提醒我們專注在要達成的目標上,例如:「三個月內要減 10 公斤」就有很明確的時間限制,讓我們一心一意地往目標邁進。
你設定好了你的 SMART 目標、了解減肥和減脂之間的差別、也知道自己要吃得健康、同時也要運動,並且有了參考的減肥菜單或計劃,但你也知道如果在你很傷心、很累、或覺得很無聊的時候,有人請你喝珍奶或布朗尼,你實在很難抗拒食物的誘惑,可是這樣又讓設定的一天熱量攝取目標功虧一簣,到底該怎麼辦呢?
如果你不知道你該不該擔心自己目前情緒性飲食的狀況,適時諮詢合法執業的營養師或心理師是很重要的(偏差的飲食行為 [ disordered eating ] 和飲食障礙症 [ eating disorder ] 是不一樣的)。
●用筆記本或 APP 追蹤你的收穫和遇到的挑戰
Is Healthy Eating Enough? 5 Common Concerns When Beginning Your Weight Loss Journey
If you are considering beginning the journey of losing weight— no matter the reason, be it health-related, or to fit into your favorite pants again — you may have some questions about how to begin. Is healthy eating enough? Do you need to watch your daily caloric intake? What about exercise?
We are all aware that medical concerns can arise when people are overweight, and it is always good to be mindful of your health. At Beyond Standard, we recognize that choosing to lose weight is a personal choice, and as you begin your weight loss journey, we want to provide informative and educational guidance that can help you as you begin.
In this article, we delve into the concept of healthy weight loss and weight management, understanding that it extends beyond superficial appearances. If you’re curious, keep reading to learn more about answers to some common concerns people have when they decide to lose weight.
In"Barbie," America Ferrera's character Gloria gives a rousing speech about the unrealistic standards imposed on women worldwide. “It is literally impossible to be a woman… You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin.” Gloria is aware of the unrealistic and contradictory standards hoisted upon women, not only in Barbie Land, but in reality, worldwide.
This pressure to be thin while still pretending to aim for "health" is not limited to Hollywood; it's a prevalent issue in Taiwan too. In a world inundated with unrealistic standards of beauty and body image, the pressure to achieve a certain physique can feel overwhelming, especially for women. The pursuit of weight loss often becomes synonymous with the pursuit of societal acceptance and validation. However, for some people, weight loss is not merely about conforming to external ideals; rather, it is a journey toward improving overall health and well-being. If that is you, this article may help you understand how to foster a positive relationship with your body, so you can have a balanced and healthy approach to weight management and achieve lasting success.
All that said, please read with caution if you have a history of disordered eating and seek personalized medical advice before taking any actions described below.
5 Questions to Ask Before You Begin Your Weight Loss Journey
There are so many questions surrounding weight loss and how to go about it in a sustainable and healthy manner. Here are five common questions surrounding weight loss that can help you make sense of what you need to begin.
1. Is Healthy Eating Enough?
Do you want to lose weight but can’t find the time to fit in exercise? Are you wondering if just changing your diet is enough? While it is very helpful to watch your daily caloric intake, so you know what steps to take next, weight loss is a multifaceted endeavor, and the most effective strategy for people to reduce weight often involves calorie restriction together with increased activity (which burns more calories). Cardio combined with weight training is a sure step in the right direction. Short-term fad diets and extreme workout regimens are not sustainable and can be detrimental to your overall health.
Instead, consider speaking to a nutritionist who can help you create a balanced and individualized plan that includes a nutritious diet rich in dietary fiber – whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, and other legumes, nuts, and seeds. When you eat whole foods and integrate a mix of aerobic and strength exercises, such as weight training, you will be on your way to successful and long-lasting weight loss.
2. What’s the Difference between Weight Loss and Fat Loss?
Next on the agenda is figuring out what the difference is between weight loss and fat loss. Lots of people use these terms interchangeably. To be clear, weight loss is the overall loss of body weight, and this can be through a shedding of water, muscle mass, and fat. Because of the confusion between weight and fat loss, most people tend to think healthy eating and working out equals fat loss but end up just losing weight instead. So yes, they do weigh less, but are not necessarily more fit or have less body fat. It depends on what you are looking for.
Fat loss on the other hand, is a little trickier. Fat loss involves specifically reducing body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. Subcutaneous fat loss (fat under the skin) and visceral fat loss (fat in the abdomen or around the organs) are two types of fat loss. Ever heard of the term skinny fat? That’s when you look slender but there’s a lot of fat around your organs. This can pose serious health concerns. That’s why it's crucial to realize that your body weight on the scale doesn't necessarily represent your overall health.
If you are eating at a deficit, exercising, and getting adequate sleep, your body can concurrently gain muscle and lose fat. This process is known as body recomposition, and many experts are touting this approach instead of simple weight loss. For long-term health and well-being, it's essential to focus on fat loss and body recomposition rather than solely aiming to lower the number on the scale.
3. How do I Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals?
So you’ve decided to try to lose fat, work out more, and change your lifestyle. Sounds great, but how do you actually do that? Your weight loss journey begins with setting realistic and achievable goals. The SMART approach is a powerful tool to guide this process.
The SMART approach (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) is a goal-setting strategy widely used in various fields, including weight loss and management. By adhering to its principles, individuals can create clear, achievable objectives that guide their actions and track their progress effectively. Let's break down each element of the SMART approach and provide examples of how it can be applied to weight loss and management:
· Specific:
Setting specific goals means being clear and precise about what you want to achieve. Rather than having a vague goal like "losing weight," make it more specific by stating how much weight you aim to lose and by when. For instance, "I want to lose 5 kilograms in the next three months" is a specific weight loss goal.
· Measurable:
To track your progress effectively, goals need to be measurable. In the context of weight loss, this means having a quantifiable way to assess your achievements. For example, measuring weight loss in kilograms, centimeters, or percentage of body fat provides tangible markers of progress.
· Achievable:
Ensure that your weight loss goals are realistic and attainable. Setting objectives that are too extreme or challenging from the outset may lead to disappointment and demotivation. Consider factors such as your current weight, lifestyle, and medical conditions when determining what is achievable. For instance, aiming to lose 15 kilograms in a month might not be realistic or healthy, but aiming for the same amount in three months could be achievable.
· Relevant:
Weight loss goals should be relevant and aligned with your overall health and well-being objectives. Avoid setting goals solely based on external pressures or societal standards. Instead, focus on goals that genuinely improve your health and enhance your quality of life. For instance, setting a goal to reduce body fat to improve cardiovascular health is more relevant than aiming for a certain dress size.
· Time-bound:
Time-bound goals have a specific deadline, providing a sense of urgency and structure to your weight loss journey. Having a timeframe holds you accountable and helps maintain focus. For example, setting a goal to lose 10 kilograms in three months gives you a clear deadline to work towards.
4. How do I Overcome Emotional Eating and Cravings?
You have your SMART goals, you understand weight loss vs fat loss, you know you need to eat healthily AND do exercise… but you also know you sometimes feel tired, bored, or sad, and sometimes, when you are offered bubble tea or chocolate cake, you can’t say no. This can seriously disrupt your planned daily caloric intake.
How do you cope with that? It's good to understand that the desire to emotionally eat may crop up, and can be a significant obstacle in the weight loss journey. Understanding your triggers and learning healthier coping mechanisms is essential to break free from this cycle.
Mindful eating practices, stress management techniques, and seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can help you to overcome emotional eating and develop a healthier relationship with food. If you are wondering if your emotional eating is something to worry about (there is a difference between disordered eating and eating disorders) it is important you speak to a certified therapist or nutritionist to get you on the right track.
If you’re in the market for long-term weight loss success, don’t follow restrictive diets or extreme workouts. Instead, focus on making sustainable dietary changes. This includes incorporating more whole, nutrient-dense foods, reducing processed and sugary items, and being mindful of portion sizes. Small but consistent changes in eating habits can lead to significant improvements in overall health and weight management. Have nuts or fruits around to snack on or drink a tall glass of water. Did you know that 90% of the time you feel like a snack, you’re probably not hungry, you’re just dehydrated!
5. How Can I Stay Motivated and Committed?
The weight loss journey may have its ups and downs, but staying motivated and committed is vital for progress.
Here are some effective tips to keep you motivated and maintain focus and dedication:
· Tell your friends your goals so they can encourage you.
What's more, they'll know to not offer you sweet treats when they see you.
· Celebrate and share your achievements.
Every small win counts.
· Keep a journal or use an app to track your successes and challenges.
Sometimes you lose track of how far you've come. Having a record of your achievements (and knowing what tempts you to slip up) can help.
· Set up a support network at work and at home.
No one is an island. When taking on a challenging task, you can always benefit from support at home and, perhaps, at work too.
· Give yourself rewards for reaching milestones.
It's a proven fact that incentives help. Here are some weight loss incentives that don’t involve food.
You Got This!
Embarking on a weight loss journey can be a transformative experience, but it requires a thoughtful and informed approach. Speaking to a nutritionist is a great first step, and in Taiwan, you can visit your local hospital and book an appointment with a doctor working in Metabolism & Endocrinology. They will consult a dietitian for assessment so you can set healthy weight loss goals.
It is hard to escape the unrealistic standards that so many women feel they need to meet. We should remember that weight loss is not solely about appearance; it is about improving overall health and well-being. By setting realistic goals, adopting a balanced approach, addressing emotional eating, making sustainable dietary changes, and staying motivated, individuals can achieve lasting success on their weight loss journey. Always remember, small actionable changes and progress are worth celebrating, leading to a happier, healthier, and more confident you.
You got this!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.