每次生日、新年許願望時,你一定看到很多人在臉書、脆 ( Threads )、IG 上「立下誓言」說今年一定要做出什麼改變—減個 X 公斤、開始 X 點起床、每個禮拜運動 X 次⋯⋯一定要有個天翻地覆的改變、把自己變得更好。
減重 ≠ 健康:
每個人的身體乘載著他 / 她一路上的生命故事,所以,當一個社會用身形衡量一個人的個性、甚至是價值,只會造成單一審美觀的僵化、排擠所有不符合社會框架的人群。
不管減不減重,現今的社會上充斥著身材歧視,線上線下都有「身材糾察隊 / 身材警察」等不及要找出任何身材不符合社會期待的人,加以嘲笑、羞辱⋯⋯,令人覺得自己不屈服都不行。
那到底什麼時候讚美別人的外表是 OK 的?
佳格在食品產業耕耘了近 40 年,我們非常清楚飲食的重要性,長期地不斷節食、讓身體得不到應有的養分絕對不是一條健康的路,甚至可能導致營養不良、免疫下降、生理機能失調,造成身心問題。
Why Accepting Yourself as You Are is a Radical Act
Every time you open social media you will hear a chorus of resolutions and self-improvement mantras reverberating across the various platforms. This cacophonous narrative often spins a tale of radical transformation—urging you to shed weight, embrace rigorous routines, and strive for an optimized version of yourself. Beneath the veneer of positivity, this fervor for change frequently conceals a more insidious message: that you … as you are right now, are … inadequate.
In our very human pursuit of personal growth, it becomes crucial to navigate this sea of well-intentioned advice with a compass of self-acceptance, acknowledging that true transformation stems from a foundation of self-love rather than a rejection of the current self.
The truly radical act is not buying into the idea that you need to improve.
In a world fixated on beauty ideals, choosing weight loss, especially for women, is a complicated choice. Beyond fitness trends, weight loss intersects with societal norms, well-being, body image, and is influenced by gender inequality and politics. Weight loss is personal but shaped by external pressures. The paradox lies in understanding health beyond body size. Standard Foods challenges the notion that weight gain is inherently unhealthy, highlighting that appearances don't define true well-being.
Weight Loss ≠ Health:
Weight loss does not always equal improved health. This is a deeply oversimplified approach to well-being. Health is a complex interplay of physical, mental, and emotional factors, beyond scale numbers. A slender frame doesn't guarantee optimal health, nor does a higher weight indicate poor well-being. Conversely, weight gain can signify genuine health improvements, reflecting positive responses to nourishment, improved mental well-being, or the resolution of underlying health issues. Holistic health involves factors like hormonal balance and emotional resilience, transcending the limitations of body size as a sole indicator.
Bodies come in diverse shapes and sizes, and each carries its unique story. The focus on external appearances oversimplifies health, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and stigmatizing those who don't conform to societal norms. Well-being is an individual journey, and it cannot be accurately assessed by scrutinizing physical appearances.
The Dark Side of Weight Loss: Unmasking Body Policing and Fat Phobia
No matter if you are choosing to lose weight or not, there is constant pressure to change your body. Many people experience body policing, fatphobia, and societal pressure to slim down. Women in particular face unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by media. Society often deems weight loss virtuous, and weight gain a flaw, reinforcing a toxic narrative equating thinness with worthiness. This dichotomy marginalizes and stigmatizes those born into bodies that diverge from a very narrow societal mold.
*Hot tip: Stop yourself before you congratulate someone on losing weight or ask them if they have gained weight. Don’t comment on someone’s appearance unless it is something they have total control over like their makeup, the color or cut of their hair, or their choice of clothing.
Navigating the Profit-Driven Landscape of Weight Loss
The economic interests behind the weight loss industry add another layer to the complexity. Profit-driven motives can lead to the promotion of quick fixes and unsustainable practices, putting vulnerable individuals at risk. The diet industry, estimated to be worth billions, often thrives on perpetuating unrealistic expectations, trapping individuals in a cycle of hope and disappointment.
A Holistic Vision of Well-being
Amidst these challenges, there is room for optimism and empowerment. By embracing diversity and acknowledging the multifaceted nature of well-being, we can redefine our relationship with our bodies.
At Standard Foods, we know that constant dieting can wreak havoc on the body. The perpetual cycle of restriction and deprivation can lead to nutritional deficiencies, a compromised immune system, and disruptions in metabolic function. This approach, far from promoting health, often results in a disconnection from the body's intuitive signals and puts a strain on mental health.
We believe that your body needs nutrients, and our products are packed with all the nutrients you need. Our in-house nutritionists have formulated a #100Seconds2Health survey to help you meet your nutritional needs, while also feeling good about yourself. Why not try it out?
Supporting a Personal and Healthy Journey
Standard Foods emphasizes a nuanced approach to the weight loss narrative. We acknowledge that the weight loss journey is deeply personal and private, influenced by a myriad of factors beyond caloric intake and exercise routines. It is your right to decide what health and wellness mean to you.
Our commitment lies in supporting you on your terms and encouraging healthy practices without succumbing to harmful societal pressures. We stand against body shaming, promoting a narrative that values self-love, body acceptance, and mental well-being alongside physical health. Let's uplift each other, challenge harmful norms, and collectively redefine health as a celebration of diverse bodies and unique paths toward well-being.
As you scroll through the many videos, articles, essays, and social media posts telling you to optimize, change, and lose weight, we invite you to recognize that you are doing a great job, just as you are. That is a truly radical way to approach your life.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.