=★Hugo 周子元★=
爆肥 20 公斤後,真的怕了
- 由於Hugo一直以來有在執行低碳水飲食,除非工作需要,澱粉主食幾乎不碰。不過營養師建議仍要適量攝取碳水化合物,有助於節省蛋白質消耗,更有利於重訓鍛鍊。
- Hugo平時有自己下廚的習慣,建議依據發煙點不同的油品來因應不同烹調方式,冷壓初榨橄欖油建議涼拌等中低溫烹調為主,煎烤油炸建議挑選發煙點高且取得健康食品認證的高品質油品。
- Hugo喜歡的運動皆是強度較高的運動:如重訓、泰拳、單車、瑜伽等,強度較高其熱量需求也相對較高,建議在運動前攝取好消化好吸收的碳水化合物,運動後建議補充優質蛋白質,這樣對消化道也較沒有負擔。
- 可以透過補充礦物質鉻和鎂,有助維持醣類正常代謝。
Exclusive interview with Brand Consultant Hugo: Your Aspirations Shift After Turning 40
In this month's featured interview, Standard Foods invited Hugo, a co-founder of The Partner. Hugo reveals that his work is closely aligned with what Standard Foods is currently engaged in! Keep reading to find out about what exactly the connection is.
Despite his busy schedule, Hugo managed to shed 15 kilograms through dietary adjustments and exercise. This transformative journey deepened his understanding of the importance of health. As he participates in Standard Foods' health initiative, what new discoveries does he have to share?
=★Hugo Chou★=
Having a Coach" Is Far from Enough!
Being a Companion on the Journey, Creating Stories Together – That's What I Love to Do
Q: We heard that you've had a new life realization in recent years. Can you share it with us?
Hugo: I firmly believe that everyone enjoys hearing stories. So, I've made it my career, doing what I'm best at and doing what I love the most. My everyday work is fascinating – listening to stories, imagining stories, and telling stories. Our company becomes your brand’s companion in brand storytelling, ands we’re particularly fond of discovering the most captivating stories behind every business and personal brand.
Our company is called The Partner. We are responsible for the work of the "imagination" or "imagining" work. Every day is about finding what makes each person different. Our company’s core value is: "let's imagine your unique nature together!" Some companies approach us because they think they need a branding coach but we don’t define ourselves that way. We want the brand’s story to be theirs, not something we create for them. It's just that their brand hasn't yet discovered what makes them appealing, so we want to accompany them in finding this uniqueness, and that's the real key.
Often, people in fitness or weight loss say, " I need a coach!" But they don’t need a coach giving guidance, they need a "companion" who accompanies them along the way. I really appreciate Standard Foods’ concept of "Your Companion in Health" as it matches my work model quite closely.
The Pursuit of 'Health Freedom' is Life's Ultimate Goal
Start Early, as It's Harder to Achieve Than Financial Freedom
Hugo: in our 20s and 30s, we're all about chasing that "financial freedom" dream, right? But here's the kicker: not many of us think ahead to when we hit 40 or 45. Picture this: you’re dining out with friends, and before the food arrives, everyone takes out their medication. Just like my routine with blood pressure pills.
I've spent the past 20 years striving for financial freedom. As soon as it came into reach, I suddenly realized that what we truly need to pursue is 'health freedom.' Achieving health freedom is much more challenging than financial freedom because wealth can be gradually accumulated while the health is gradually consumed. Health is hard to accumulate.
This is why I’m constantly emphasizing this concept. I now have some insights, and I want my younger friends to know that pursuing financial freedom is just a process; but pursuing health freedom is the most important thing in life.
The Cost of Ignoring Health
Afraid after Gaining 20 Kilograms
Hugo: In the past 20 years, my eating habits were terrible. My favorite foods were all the unhealthy foods, high-sugar drinks, fried foods, grilled fatty foods, and high-calorie potato chips and chocolates. I also used to overeat at every meal, sometimes consuming the equivalent of three meals in one go. This habit quickly led to a very unhealthy state.
As a result, I gained around 20 kilograms in 4-5 years. During this period, I faced high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high blood sugar. I was forced to deal with this. The emergence of these three highs had a significant impact on my life. I couldn't ignore it.
The first thing I did was return to weight training. I found a coach, and he accompanied me in training for 6 years. However, during these 6 years, my weight still increased while my muscles grew. Since my weight gain was brought health complications, I began to realize that I also needed to adjust my diet, not just my exercise habits.
I believe changes in diet are as important as changes in exercise habits. Not only should you eat at the right time and eat the right foods, but you should also eat the right amount. For me, when I feel hungry or want to replenish energy and calories in the afternoon, I no longer choose potato chips, chocolates, or bubble tea like I used to. Instead, I opt for healthier options. For example, I've developed a habit of drinking oatmeal drinks. I put bottled oatmeal drinks in the refrigerator and drink them whenever I'm hungry. This dietary choice not only quickly replenishes my energy but is also light on the body and easily digested.
After Weight Loss, Unrecognizable Transformation Amazes Friends
The Key to Breaking Through Plateaus is Eating Healthier
Hugo: Really, my former colleagues and friends didn't recognize me, haha. I didn’t believe my appearance had changed that much. Losing 15 kilograms might be a significant number for many people, but for me, gaining that weight actually happened so quickly. I knew that losing it would take a lot of effort. At first, it was relatively smooth; the fortunate part is that if you start eating less, your weight will drop quickly. The less you eat, the faster it drops. However, your basal metabolism will also drop. So, after a point, suddenly you can't lose weight anymore. But if you continue to eat the same foods as before, your weight will quickly bounce back. You might not gain weight again, but you won't get thinner either. So, for me, the process of losing weight is like climbing a slope every time. You climb up one slope, then take a little walk, similar to riding a bike. After climbing one slope, you need a slight slope to continue going up. You have to tell yourself to keep going. When you break through that threshold, you suddenly realize, 'Oh, you have to move on to the next weight loss or fat loss process.' During this time, you didn't eat less, but there's always a key: you eat healthier. That's the real key, not eating less, but eating healthier.
Nutritionist Recommended Diet Plan & User Experience
=★ Introducing Our Nutritionist ★=
As Hugo has been following a low-carb diet, he rarely touches starchy foods. However, the nutritionist recommends he consume an appropriate amount of carbohydrates to support his protein consumption and facilitate strength training.
Hugo has a habit of cooking for himself. According to the nutritionist, it is advisable to use different oils based on their smoke points for different cooking methods. Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is recommended for cold mixing and low to medium-temperature cooking, while oils with a high smoke point and health food certification are suggested for frying and deep-frying.
Hugo's favorite sports involve higher intensity, such as weight training, Muay Thai, cycling, and yoga. Higher intensity sports require higher calorie demand. It is recommended to consume easily digestible and absorbable carbohydrates before exercise and supplement with high-quality protein after exercise. This way, the digestive system is less burdened.
Supplementing with chromium and magnesium can help maintain normal carbohydrate metabolism.
Here are the nutritionist's recommendations:
Contains 11 super grains: oats, brown rice, chickpeas, barley, buckwheat, purple rice, red lentils, flaxseeds, black sesame seeds, red quinoa, and sprouted rice. Exclusive steaming-cooking technology preserves the original form and diverse nutrients of grains. No need for pre-soaking, providing high-quality carbohydrate and trace nutrient supplements along with legume protein and dietary fiber.
Five Treasures Health Blending Oil –
A blend of five plant oils: sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, premium olive oil, grape seed oil, and corn oil. With a smoke point above 220 degrees Celsius and health food certification, it helps regulate blood lipid function, and is suitable for high-temperature cooking.
Each bottle contains 16.1 grams of carbohydrates, equivalent to only 1/4 cup of white rice or half a bowl of noodles. Additionally, it contains beta-glucan water-soluble dietary fiber, aiding digestion. It's all-natural with no added artificial flavors, thickeners, colors, or sweeteners – a nutritious and guilt-free pre-workout supplement.
The only commercially available oatmeal certified for blood sugar regulation. Experimentally proven to help lower pre-meal (fasting) blood sugar levels, oats is especially beneficial for those with high blood sugar levels when fasting. Added chromium and magnesium help maintain normal carbohydrate metabolism.
Q: After incorporating the nutritionist's recommendations into your daily diet and using Standard Foods’ products, can you share your experience with us?
Hugo: For me, it’s incredibly simple and convenient to choose an oat drink or a bowl of oats when I need a prolonged energy boost. It even brings me more joy than consuming energy bars because of its lower calorie count. Check the ingredients, you'll find it's quite straightforward. After finishing a bottle, I suddenly feel less fatigued, and there's a certain level of pleasure I feel. For me, products like oats actually surpass many other things I used to eat.
Before weight training, my new go-to choice is a Quaker oat drink to ensure I have enough energy during weight training. This is why, despite my weight decreasing, my strength hasn't dramatically dropped. Initially, my strength declined rapidly, but over the past few months, my athletic performance has actually improved. This also demonstrates how supplementing enough basic calories can enhance weight training or athletic performance. I later learned not to be too rigid and to think about how to supplement basic calories to improve performance. It's a necessary process, especially during fat loss and muscle building. The nutritionist's advice also made me realize that carbohydrates are indispensable.
This is a significant change because, in the past, I wasn't accustomed to eating before training; I preferred exercising on an empty stomach. However, this brought a major problem. After training, I would crave more high-calorie foods, like a bucket of fried chicken or I’d add a chicken cutlet to a steak. This was also why I struggled to lose fat, and was only able to build muscle.
Hugo: As for grain-based rice, this was my first time trying it. Initially, I thought the texture of grain-based rice would be unsatisfying, so I never considered it. I never selected foods like purple rice. But after I tried it, I found that it was actually quite different to how I had imagined it. The texture was not bad; and it had a lot of flavor. With specific seasoning, it is now a taste I crave. Learning about these grain-based products has been an interesting process for me.
This experience also made me realize that oils have many different natural components. Although they cannot claim to have therapeutic effects, natural ingredients positively impact the body. This has motivated me to learn more about choosing oils. Overall, I still believe that products like oats, grains, and high-quality oils are the core elements of a healthy diet.
Disciplined Dietary Control is the Key to "Health Freedom"
Start with Simple Dietary Replacements in Everyday Life
Hugo: Unless you really need to constantly control your weight, I would choose to make a change in something simple and easily accessible. I tend to start my changes with my daily habits rather than making significant adjustments to diet and calorie intake. Because just giving up bubble tea, chocolate, and potato chips in favor of healthier eating is already quite challenging. Therefore, I believe that if modern people can achieve this, whether it's controlling blood lipids, blood sugars, blood pressure, or weight, it becomes relatively easy.
I often share the phrase: "Absolute discipline brings absolute freedom."
I believe that in terms of diet, the most absolute form of discipline is dietary control. Persistent dietary control can help you achieve "health freedom."