★ 蛋白粉、蛋白奶昔是什麼?
不管線上、實體購物,一般人通常都會被數百種不一樣的商品,弄得頭昏眼花、想要直接躺平放棄,先幫你 QQ,下一段開始解釋:蛋白粉、蛋白奶昔是什麼?
★蛋白飲、蛋白奶昔中 5 種常見蛋白來源
你在選購蛋白粉、蛋白飲的時候,最常看到的,會是這 5 種蛋白質來源:
(1) 濃縮乳清蛋白
(2) 分離乳清蛋白
(3) 水解乳清蛋白
濃縮乳清蛋白中 80% 是蛋白質,剩下的是動物奶本身的碳水化合物和脂肪,讓濃縮乳清蛋白有滑順的奶香;
來源: 豌豆蛋白、米蛋白、火麻蛋白、大豆蛋白⋯⋯。
優點: 適合吃蛋奶素、全植飲食的人。
來源:任何蛋的蛋清 (就是一般說的「蛋白」:生雞蛋打出來之後透明的部分)
★ 為什麼要用奶粉補充蛋白質、而不是鮮奶?
好問題!這邊提供你奶粉、特殊營養品的 6 大好處:
從植物或奶類作原料製成的的蛋白粉,每單位的蛋白質一定比一般的鮮奶還多元,讓你更濃縮地補充你的必需營養素 。
你想要買的鮮奶不一定到處都找得到(尤其那種要排隊的),但你的蛋白粉隨身都可以帶著、也可以在常去的地方放一些,這樣你就可以確保:你在攝取蛋白質的時候,這個蛋白質是來自你信任的牌子,攝取營養的時候,才能安心大口喝下去! 桂格所有的製程,都謹守國際標準、產品更是經過嚴格品質管控,確保送到你手中的桂格奶粉,都是安全衛生、最優質的品質;佳格也一直投入研發,確保我們的製程符合、超越業界標準。 在選擇蛋白粉的時候,別忘了選擇有信譽、品質保證的廠牌,讓自己、家人喝得安心、營養! 。
★蛋白質以外,幫助肌肉生長的 2 種營養補充品 :
健身的時候,為了支撐我們舉重、訓練,我們推薦你 2 種補充品,讓你健身順利、長長久久:
1. 葡萄糖胺
2. 非變性第二型膠原蛋白(常以「UC2」、「UC II」的名字出現)
你可能聽過大家把「UC2/UC II」和「非變性第二型膠原蛋白」交替使用,其實「UC2/UC II」就只是「非變性第二型膠原蛋白」的一個專利名稱而已。
膠原蛋白雖然最常是在美容保養品廣告上出場,但它可是老江湖,哈哈,膠原蛋白是重要角色,因為它可以幫助你身體自然修復、減少運動後的不適,而且各種組織的組成物質都有膠原蛋白,讓你成為巨巨或健美先生 / 小姐的路上,可以一路勇往直前!
依照包裝建議的使用量,通常上是安全的 ,如果有任何疑慮,一定要諮詢專業醫療人員。
§桂格全新均衡粉|優質蛋白協助快速提供能量、增強體力,同時含益生元及膳食纖維,幫助維持消化道機能,另有強化鈣、添加維生素 B 群,有助維持能量正常代謝及正常食慾。
§桂格五穀燕麥豆飲|桂格嚴選 5 種穀物:燕麥、藜麥、蕎麥、糙米、大麥,搭配非基改豆漿,攝取優質多元植物蛋白,協助排便順暢。
§天地合補 EXX 葡萄糖胺濃縮飲|三重配方運作,全方位守護行動力,調節生理機能,幫助關鍵好表現:葡萄糖胺守護行動不卡關;添加日本專利山竹果萃取物,搭配第二型膠原蛋白、軟骨素、*玻尿酸,穩固關鍵,活動少負擔;訶子萃取物、綠茶萃取物調節生理機能。
Maximizing Muscle Gain: The Role of Protein Supplements
Ever walked into a gym and caught sight of those behemoths guzzling down thick, milkshake-like concoctions post-workout? For many, that image is both intriguing and somewhat intimidating. The gym is a domain where grunts, sweat, and weights dominate, and it’s a place that upholds the ritual of downing protein-packed drinks. But why this frenzy over protein, you might wonder?
When it comes to sculpting muscles and recuperating after an arduous session, protein is, uh, a heavy weightlifter (pardon the pun). It's the cornerstone of muscle building, aiding recovery and supporting growth. But amidst the maze of conflicting advice on the necessity of protein drinks and powders, a debate rages on. Some argue that whole foods alone can provide ample protein without delving into the world of supplemental powders and shakes. Others vow by the protein shake. So, let's explore this a little more.
Protein Powders and Shakes:
In today's fitness landscape, protein powders, drinks, shakes, and bars flood the market like an overwhelming tidal wave. The sheer abundance of options often leaves one befuddled, lost in a sea of labels and promises. If you've ever contemplated incorporating these supplements into your regimen, you might have encountered the labyrinth of choices and abandoned an empty basket without ever checking out. 100% understandable.
Protein shakes and drinks come in various forms, each with its unique blend of ingredients designed to cater to different fitness goals. Differentiating between these products involves understanding the types of protein used, and additional ingredients, and considering individual fitness objectives.
★ 5 Different Types of Protein in Shakes and Drinks:
Let’s discuss the sources of protein in protein supplements, as each comes with its unique characteristics and benefits. These protein sources are processed and formulated into supplements in various ways, such as isolates, concentrates, or blends, to cater to different preferences and dietary needs.
Here are the five most common protein sources used in supplements:
1. Whey Protein:
Source: Derived from milk during the cheese-making process and developed into 3 types of protein: whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, and whey protein hydrolysate.
Benefits: Fast absorption, rich in essential amino acids, especially in the case of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), making it particularly beneficial for post-workout recovery and muscle building. Concentrated whey protein contains about 80% protein while also retaining the carbohydrates and milk fat from the milk itself. This gives a creamy flavor like fresh milk and is more budget friendly.
2. Casein Protein:
Source: Also obtained from milk.
Benefits: Slow-digesting protein, providing a sustained release of amino acids. Ideal for supporting muscle recovery during periods of rest, such as overnight.
3. Plant-Based Proteins:
Sources: Pea protein, rice protein, hemp protein, soy protein, and others
Soy is a complete protein source with all essential amino acids, pea protein is hypoallergenic, and rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and hemp contains a balanced ratio of essential fatty acids and is rich in fiber.
Benefits: Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, free from lactose and cholesterol, offering diverse amino acid profiles when combined, and often rich in additional nutrients and fiber.
4. Egg White Protein:
Source: You guessed it, it's extracted from the whites of eggs.
Benefits: High-quality protein with a complete amino acid profile.
5. Collagen Protein:
Source: Derived from animal connective tissues, such as bones and skin.
Benefits: Supports joint health, skin, and hair. May not be a complete protein but provides specific amino acids.
From this list of proteins, whey protein concentrate is the most common source, and many of Standard Foods’ protein and weight management drinks and powders are primarily made with whey protein concentrate.
★ 6 Reasons to Supplement with Milk Powders Instead of Just Drinking Milk
Ok, so now you know about the main ingredients in protein powders. Perhaps you’re wondering, why drink protein powders, or special nutritional products (SNPs) as they’re sometimes called if you can just drink regular fresh milk? That’s a great question.
1. Rich in Protein
One clear answer to this is the fact that protein powders, especially those derived from whey (from milk) or plant sources, often have a higher protein content per serving compared to fresh milk, providing a concentrated source of this essential macronutrient. This is particularly beneficial if you’re aiming to meet specific protein targets for muscle building or improve recovery after exercise.
2. Include Added Nutrients
What’s more, most protein powders have added nutrients. Our team of expert nutritionists at Standard Foods has meticulously crafted formulas that prioritize protein and integrate additional supplements (more on these later) for your convenience and holistic health benefits. This power-packed combination of crucial nutritional ingredients is tailored to help you meet your goals.
3. Convenience
The other reason why people choose protein powders is their offer of convenience, especially for those with busy lifestyles or specific dietary goals. They are easy to mix into shakes, smoothies, baked goods, and cooking recipes, providing a quick and efficient way to increase protein intake.
4. Longer Shelf Life
Protein powders also have a much longer shelf life than fresh milk (when stored correctly) and are easier to store, travel around with, and they weigh less. This is extremely helpful when you’re on the go!
5. Easy Storage
While fresh milk is a versatile and readily available beverage that can be consumed on its own, it may not be as convenient for those looking for an easily stored, quick, concentrated protein source. Store milk powder in your car, in your locker at gym, at the office, or in your bag so you can quickly whip up a healthy boost when you need one.
6. Made by Brands You Know and Trust
Choosing to buy your protein powders from a brand that you know and trust comes with several advantages. A reputable brand ensures product quality and safety, providing consumers with a reliable source of nutrition. All Quaker products adhere to stringent manufacturing standards and quality control measures, guaranteeing that the milk powders are produced under optimal conditions. This not only enhances the nutritional value of the product but also minimizes the risk of contamination or subpar ingredients.
Moreover, Standard Foods invests in research and development, continually improving our formulations to meet or exceed industry standards. Opt for protein powders from a brand with a proven track record and enjoy peace of mind, knowing you’re making a nutritious and safe choice for yourself and your family.
★ 2 Bonus Nutritional Supplements for Muscle-Building
Now that you have an idea of the range of protein supplement sources on the market, let’s get into some other supplements that can help your muscle-building journey. Your journey to strength isn't just about lifting weights and consuming copious amounts of protein. It’s also vital you consider not only fueling your gains but also supporting overall joint health through appropriate nutritional supplements. Otherwise, the intense demands placed on your body during these rigorous workouts can take a toll on your joints and muscles.
Enter two game-changing supplements: glucosamine and undenatured type 2 collagen. These supplements play a pivotal role in maintaining joint health and ensuring your training remains sustainable in the long run. Let’s find out more about these secret weapons.
1. Glucosamine: A Champion for Joint Health
Glucosamine is a natural compound known for its ability to promote joint health. It aids in the production of cartilage, the connective tissue that cushions your joints. Rigorous workouts often subject joints to significant stress, but glucosamine steps in as the knight in shining armor, mitigating wear and tear risks associated with intense training. By supporting cartilage health, glucosamine helps preserve joint function and mobility, a crucial aspect of any fitness routine.
At Standard Foods, our commitment to holistic health and fitness has led us to integrate these invaluable supplements into our product lineup. We offer glucosamine in convenient liquid packs, providing an easily absorbable form for enhanced joint support.
2. Undenatured Type 2 Collagen: Sustaining Joint Function
You may have heard of undenatured type II collagen being described as UC-II, but that is just a patented form of the same product. Undenatured Type 2 collagen is a specialized form of collagen, that comes from chicken sternum cartilage and is processed and extracted at low temperatures to preserve its natural structure. Undenatured collagen hasn't been broken down or exposed to heat, acids, and enzymes.
A superstar in the realm of joint health, collagen is a fundamental building block of various connective tissues, including tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. When it comes to preserving joint function and reducing discomfort, this collagen stands out. Its unique composition aids in maintaining joint integrity, ensuring your workouts don't succumb to joint-related setbacks. This collagen complex works behind the scenes, supporting your body's natural repair mechanisms and helping sustain your joint health in the face of rigorous training.
★ Are There Any Potential Side Effects Associated with the Use of Protein Supplements for Muscle Gain?
While these supplements are typically safe, certain individuals may encounter issues like digestive discomfort, bloating, or gas if too much protein is consumed.. Adhering to the suggested dosage is crucial, and if any concerns arise, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.
★ How Important is it to Eat Well, Exercise, and Use Protein Supplements for Building Muscles?
Achieving muscle growth requires a balanced approach, where proper nutrition and regular exercise play vital roles. Protein supplements should complement a healthy diet and consistent workout routine. Without the foundation of adequate nutrition and exercise, relying solely on protein supplements will not yield effective results in building muscle.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, optimizing muscle gain involves a multifaceted approach that goes beyond protein supplements alone. While these supplements play a crucial role in supporting muscle development, they are most effective when integrated into a comprehensive strategy that includes proper nutrition and regular exercise. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so tailoring your approach to individual needs and goals is key. By embracing a holistic lifestyle that encompasses balanced nutrition, targeted exercise, and strategic supplement use, you can maximize your muscle gain journey and unlock your full potential. Always consult with healthcare professionals or fitness experts to ensure a personalized and safe path to achieving your muscle-building aspirations.
If you haven’t yet, take a look at our Quaker Fitness 1500 Calorie Basic Set, which has four high-quality protein products, including ready-to-drink plant milks and protein powders, and pocket packs of glucosamine concentrate to protect all aspects of mobility. Or continue learning by reading about the 6 benefits of a high-protein diet.
Keep at it!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.