最好的方式就是健身⋯⋯還有攝取更多蛋白質! 所以如果你吃東西的時候,選的是堅果、脂肪少的雞胸肉,而不是甜食、點心、澱粉高的便利商店烤地瓜,別忘了告訴自己:「做得好、身體會感謝你的!」
想要有更健康、更精彩的生活型態,就是要對這些小小的選擇也不放過,每天持之以恆地堅持下去,趕快繼續讀下去認識攝取多元優質蛋白飲食的好處,以及了解為什麼你同時也應該注意蛋白質的來源和品質,讓你的每一餐做你生活中的 MVP!
蛋白質不只是飲食的一部份而已,它還是讓身體健壯、讓身體的各種生理功能可以好好運作的關鍵! 光是平常飲食中有包含蛋白質就可以帶給你很多好處了,我們希望以下對蛋白質的介紹可以激勵你持續這樣的飲食,把蛋白質的潛力發揮到極致!
在細數蛋白質的好處前,我們先給你一個全方位的蛋白質介紹! 蛋白質是身體必需的三種營養素之一(另外兩種是碳水化合物和脂肪),而我們所吃的東西都是由這三種營養素組成,它的結構非常複雜,是由胺基酸相互連結所串聯而成,看起來就像是一個很長很長的鎖鏈,所以我們才會常聽到胺基酸是「建構生命的原料」,我們通常是從食物中攝取胺基酸,而這個小小的有機化合物中,含有碳、氫、氧、氮這些元素(有時候也有硫),所以含多元優質蛋白的食物其實就也含有大量的胺基酸呢!
胺基酸有 20 種,而對我們的身體來說,這 20 種胺基酸缺一個都不行!身體可以自行製造的胺基酸就叫「非必需胺基酸」,而其他一定要從飲食中取得的 9 種胺基酸就叫「必需胺基酸」。
** 吃蛋白質的好處 **
蛋白質建議攝取量:對成人來說,把自己的體重「公斤」數值 x 0.8 就是每天建議的蛋白質攝取「公克」數,所以如果一個 70 公斤的成人,每天沒有太多的活動量、通常是坐著辦公或處理事務,那這樣每天應該攝取的蛋白質量大概就是 70 x 0.8 = 56 公克。
如果你的活動量比較大,或是會規律地進行強力訓練或耐力訓練,那你應該就要攝取更多蛋白質來協助肌肉修復和生長,運動員或經常性健身的族群每天可以盡量攝取到自己體重(公斤)x 1.2~2.2 公克的蛋白質。
4.年齡 & 生長階段
蛋白質在我們的人體裡身兼多職,既能幫助肌肉生長、提供能量,所以,不管你是健身愛好者、想要變得更健康,還是只是對營養科學有興趣,這篇文章都能讓你帶走一些東西,讓你可以把蛋白質的效益最大化,生活更有活力、身心更健康、走得更長久 !
透過測驗,可分析出你的熱量目標、飲食與運動訓練建議以及每日總能量消耗(TDEE),推薦最適合的產品組合。每個組合均有基本選項,產品大致涵蓋您每日能量需求的 30-40%,以及高級選項,涵蓋您每日能量需求的 60-70%。快來試試看我們的全新服務<100秒GO健康>。我們期望能成為陪伴你健康與健身旅程的伙伴,一起邁向成功的健康之路。
§桂格全新均衡粉|優質蛋白協助快速提供能量、增強體力,同時含益生元及膳食纖維,幫助維持消化道機能,另有強化鈣、添加維生素 B 群,有助維持能量正常代謝及正常食慾。
§桂格五穀燕麥豆飲|桂格嚴選 5 種穀物:燕麥、藜麥、蕎麥、糙米、大麥,搭配非基改豆漿,攝取優質多元植物蛋白,協助排便順暢。
§天地合補 EXX 葡萄糖胺濃縮飲|三重配方運作,全方位守護行動力,調節生理機能,幫助關鍵好表現:葡萄糖胺守護行動不卡關;添加日本專利山竹果萃取物,搭配第二型膠原蛋白、軟骨素、*玻尿酸,穩固關鍵,活動少負擔;訶子萃取物、綠茶萃取物調節生理機能。
More than Muscle Enhancement: The 7 Benefits of a High-protein Diet
There are many reasons to choose to build muscle. You may simply want to carry groceries, go for long runs along the riverside, or play with your ever-energetic children at the weekends. No matter the motivation, building strength can have overall positive effects on your life.
The best way to build muscle is to work out … and eat more protein. Every time you lean past the sugary pastries and choose a roasted sweet potato, a lean chicken breast, or a handful of nuts, give yourself a pat on the back. These small choices show your commitment to a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.
Continue reading to find out about the many benefits of a high-protein diet, and why including a quality source of protein in every meal has wonderful benefits.
Protein is not merely a dietary component; it's the driving force behind countless biological processes that enable our bodies to thrive. Your choice to incorporate protein into your meals has already yielded numerous benefits, and we're here to encourage you to continue this journey, seizing the full potential of protein's advantages.
★ Understanding Protein
Before we get into the benefits of protein, let’s take a quick look at what exactly protein is.
Protein is one of three essential macronutrients, alongside carbohydrates and fats, that make up the foundation of our diets.
It is a complex molecule composed of interlinked amino acids, like long chains, which are often referred to as the "building blocks" of life. Amino acids are tiny little organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur that come from your diet. So, when a food is high in protein, it’s high in amino acids.
Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
There are 20 different types of amino acids, and your body needs all of them to function correctly. Your body can produce some amino acids on its own (non-essential), while the other 9 essential amino acids must come from your diet.
Let’s continue with this building block metaphor. Think of essential amino acids as specialized workers who can only be hired from outside the construction site.
Each source of protein provides a unique combination of amino acids, much like different building materials. Meat might provide steel beams (certain amino acids), while oats offer bricks (other amino acids). A diverse diet ensures you have access to all the necessary building blocks.
★ The Benefits of a High Protein Diet When Building Muscle
If you want to build muscle, there are many benefits that come from including higher amounts of protein in your diet.
Protein is undeniably the cornerstone of muscle development, and its significance during the muscle-building phase cannot be overstated.
Here are some of the key benefits of protein:
1. Encourages Muscle Growth
Protein is synonymous with muscle growth, making it a cornerstone of athletic and fitness nutrition. When we engage in resistance training or strenuous workouts, we create microscopic tears in our muscle fibers. Protein steps in as the repair crew, using amino acids to mend and strengthen these fibers. Adequate protein intake ensures a surplus of amino acids, facilitating muscle recovery and hypertrophy, ultimately leading to enhanced muscle tone and strength.
Not only does protein supply the essential amino acids required for muscle repair and growth, but it also plays a vital role in various metabolic processes that optimize the muscle-building journey. Consuming enough protein ensures that your muscles can recover and grow more efficiently after strenuous workouts.
2. Regulates Hormones
Proteins serve as the foundation for many hormones in the body, including insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels, and the growth hormone receptor (GHR), which is pivotal for growth and repair.
Ensuring an adequate protein intake contributes to hormone balance, facilitating metabolism, tissue repair, and overall homeostasis.
3. Supports Immune System
The immune system relies on protein to produce antibodies, enzymes, and immune cells that defend the body against infections and diseases.
Antibodies, which are proteins, play a critical role in the immune system's ability to recognize and neutralize harmful pathogens.
A protein-rich diet bolsters the immune response, helping the body fend off illnesses more effectively.
4. Transports Nutrients
Proteins act as carriers, shuttling essential molecules like vitamins, minerals, and oxygen throughout the body.
Hemoglobin, for example, is a protein that transports oxygen in the blood, ensuring every cell receives the vital oxygen it needs for energy production and overall function.
5. Maintains Structural Support
Proteins are the building blocks of structural components in the body, including skin, hair, nails, and connective tissues like collagen.
Proteins, such as keratin, collagen, and elastin provide structural support for cells and tissues, contributing to the integrity of skin, hair, nails, and connective tissues.
Incorporating protein into your diet promotes the strength and integrity of these vital structures, contributing to a healthy and vibrant appearance.
6. Promotes Feelings of Fullness for Longer
Protein is renowned for its satiety factor. When included in meals and snacks, it promotes a sense of fullness and satisfaction that can help control appetite and reduce overall calorie intake.
How does this work exactly? Well, protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, and it triggers the release of hormones like leptin and peptide YY, which signal fullness to the brain.
This quality is particularly valuable for those seeking to manage their weight, increase muscle, or make healthier food choices.
7. Provides Energy
While carbohydrates and fats are our primary energy sources, protein also plays a role in supplying energy when needed. During periods of calorie restriction or intense exercise, the body can convert amino acids from protein into glucose, the body's energy currency.
During low-carbohydrate diets or intense exercise, the body can convert amino acids from protein into glucose through gluconeogenesis, maintaining energy levels.
This backup energy source helps maintain physical and cognitive function in challenging situations, ensuring we stay fueled and alert, even during challenging workouts or calorie-restricted periods.
**Bonus Benefit of Eating More Protein**
One bonus benefit of increasing your intake of protein-rich foods is that you'll probably cut back on highly processed carbohydrates like white bread, instant noodles, and packaged snacks like cookies and crackers. Such foods often include few nutritious ingredients and are quickly digested and converted into blood sugar, making you reach for more snacks.
★ Who Can Benefit from Eating a Protein-rich Diet?
Protein is super good for you, no matter how old you are or how active you are.
Whether you're an athlete looking to optimize your performance, a busy professional seeking sustained energy, or an older adult aiming to maintain muscle mass and bone density, protein should be the cornerstone of your diet.
★ Can You Eat Too Much Protein?
When you eat too much protein, your body doesn't use it very well, and it can put extra work on your bones, kidneys, and liver. Also, if you eat a lot of high-protein and meaty foods, it might not be great for your heart because of the saturated fats and cholesterol they contain. There's even a chance it could increase your risk of getting cancer. So, it's a good idea to find a balance in your diet.
Ok, good to know, but what is too much?
★What is Too Much Protein?
The amount of protein that's considered "too much" can vary depending on individual factors such as age, gender, activity level, and overall health. However, there are some general guidelines that can help determine an appropriate protein intake:
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA):
The RDA for protein is about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for most adults. This means that a sedentary adult weighing 70 kilograms (154 pounds) should aim for around 56 grams of protein per day.
Activity Level:
If you're more physically active or engage in regular strength training or endurance exercises, you may require more protein to support muscle repair and growth. Athletes and bodybuilders often aim for a range of 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.
Specific Goals:
If you're trying to build muscle, recover from an injury, or have specific dietary goals, your protein needs may be higher. In such cases, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to determine your individual protein requirements.
Health Conditions:
Some medical conditions, like kidney disease, may require a restriction in protein intake. People with kidney disease often need to limit their protein intake to reduce the workload on their kidneys.
Age and Growth:
Children, teenagers, and pregnant or lactating women have higher protein needs due to growth and development or the needs of a growing fetus or infant.
In general, it's not just about how much protein you consume but also the source and quality of protein. Opting for lean sources of protein like poultry, fish, beans, and tofu and balancing your diet with a variety of foods from different food groups can help ensure you meet your protein needs without going overboard.
If you're uncertain about your protein intake, consider consulting with a healthcare provider or dietitian for personalized guidance.
★ You’re Doing Great!
From fueling muscle growth and providing energy to regulating hormones and supporting immune function, the multifaceted role of protein in our bodies cannot be overstated. So, whether you're a fitness enthusiast, someone seeking better overall health, or simply intrigued by the science behind nutrition, this article will empower you to harness the potential of protein in ways that promote vitality, longevity, and a heightened sense of well-being.
Check List:
Our in-house nutritionist has collaborated with our research and development team to curate special muscle enhancement bundles that are high in protein. Depending on your calorie goals, muscle training needs, and Total Daily Energy expenditure (TDEE), you can choose between the 1500-calorie sets and the 2000-calorie sets. Each set has a basic option, where our products cover around 30-40% of your daily energy requirements, and an advanced option which covers around 60-70% of your daily energy requirements. Check out our Quaker Fitness 1500 Basic Calorie Set or the Quaker Fitness 2000 Basic Instant Calorie Set, which is specially formulated for people who want ready-to-eat and ready-to-drink health foods. We want you to succeed on your health and fitness journey, so why not choose Standard Foods as your partner in health?
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.