=★Bryan 姚詩豪★=
- 早上建議喝一瓶「桂格完膳100鉻無糖含纖配方」替代蛋餅或吐司等傳統早餐,減低碳水化合物攝取比例,並增加優質蛋白
- 每日飲食中其中一餐的主食,以「桂格即沖即時大燕麥片」替代精緻澱粉
- 飯後使用一包「天地合補EXX消化菌粉」促進代謝與維持消化道機能
- 下午或睡前點心喝一杯「桂格雙認證高鈣脫脂奶粉」攝取鈣質及維生素,此產品有通過雙效健康食品認證產品,零脂肪並含有可幫助醣類正常代謝的礦物質
- 早餐:「桂格完膳100鉻無糖含纖配方」一瓶+茶葉蛋一顆+水果一份+堅果一份
- 午餐:「桂格即沖即時大燕麥片」75g(取代白飯)+正常便當(白飯不吃或請店家將白飯換成蔬菜)+「天地合補EXX消化菌粉」一包
- 晚餐:五穀飯或烤地瓜1碗份量+蔬菜1碗+蛋白質類(去皮瘦肉)半掌大份量
- 點心:泡「桂格雙認證高鈣脫脂奶粉」1杯+水果一份
- 早餐:「桂格完膳100鉻無糖含纖配方」一瓶+荷包蛋一顆+水果一份+堅果一份
- 午餐:「桂格即沖即時大燕麥片」75g(取代白飯)+蛋白質類(去皮瘦肉)半掌大份量+蔬菜大於1碗+「天地合補EXX消化菌粉」一包
- 晚餐:若肚子餓可吃半碗大燕麥片 37.5g,並搭配無糖豆漿一杯
- 點心:「桂格雙認證高鈣脫脂奶粉」1杯+水果一份
Interview with Bryan YAO Shih-Hao, Co-founder of DarenCademy: Painlessly Cultivating Healthy Habits
As we grow older, are the threats of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar inevitable with the passage of time? When we enter middle age, how can we ensure our environment facilitates the painless cultivation of healthy habits for a transformative journey toward well-being? We invited professional project manager Bryan Yao to share his insights on these questions. Bryan experimented with the STANDARD FOODS HealthGO Program for a month, and here are his thoughts.
=★Bryan YAO Shih-Hao★=
Turning Point in Health: Warning Signs of Declining Physical Strength
The year I turned 46, my wife shared an intriguing Japanese saying that had a lasting impact on me: "A man undergoes a turning point at the age of 46."
Q: When did you realize the importance of health, and what prompted your participation in the STANDARD FOODS HealthGO Program?
Bryan: I was 46 years old when I became aware of the importance of health. Throughout my life, I had never had to stay in a hospital, as I had a clean record of good health without major illnesses. I used to be actively involved in sports, and I have always particularly enjoying playing basketball.
Reflecting on it now, at 46, I realize I experienced health issues this year. While the illnesses were not severe—mostly colds or general discomfort—they persisted across several months. Unlike others who recover from a cold within a week, it would take me two to three weeks to fully recover, and at times, it was challenging to even move as the illnesses were so severe.
I also facilitated many educational courses, and the demanding workload has stuck in my memory. I initially thought that my inevitable decline in physical fitness would be gradual rather than abrupt, but starting from my 46th year, I felt a significant decrease in energy. Teaching, which used to be effortless, became a draining task. Even teaching for four consecutive days became exhausting. Just one day of teaching left me extremely fatigued, and the following mornings, I found getting out of bed to be a challenge.
From that point, I noticed a substantial decrease in energy. These experiences over the past few years have prompted me to seriously consider what people commonly refer to as health maintenance. I underwent comprehensive health checks and after seeing friends my age gradually develop diabetes, I became concerned about my insulin resistance. Doctors recommended I promptly address these issues, and emphasized I particularly focus on my cholesterol levels and fats found in blood cells (blood lipids like triglycerides), as my medical test results were concerning. This advice prompted me to take active steps to manage these health issues.
Establishing Health as a Sustainable Habit: The Most Challenging Endeavor
As I’ve grown older, I've noticed a gradual and persistent increase in my body weight and elevated body fat. Consequently, I began focusing on diet and exercise. I experimented with various popular dietary approaches, such as the keto diet, the Mediterranean diet, and intermittent fasting (e.g., the 16/8 method). I found these methods to be effective only if you are able to maintain and sustain them. It became clear to me that the crux of the matter rested on making a thorough and lasting change to one's lifestyle; otherwise, the efforts would be in vain.
Despite initially seeming effective, I realized that these methods required tremendous willpower. My workload is substantial, and after expending all my willpower on work, it became challenging to adequately manage improved dietary and exercise habits.
For instance, after a strenuous eight-hour day of lecturing, I find it difficult to fast or abstain from food. Sometimes not eating can really put you in a bad mood. The same goes for exercise. Sometimes you are really tired. If you want to relax a little on the weekend, you may forfeit exercise.
For me, the ultimate challenge lies in discovering an approach that can seamlessly be integrated into my life, is sustainable, and can adapt to changes. This is considerably challenging, especially in my age group, where maintaining a healthy physique is genuinely demanding.
Creating an Environment to Effortlessly Enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle
Q: What health goals do you aspire to achieve?
Bryan: I'm not fixated on health metrics. Some people are highly concerned about numbers like waist circumference, BMI, and body fat percentage, but I feel okay about those figures. The health goals I'd like to achieve are more broad: I hope to lead a healthy life, and effortlessly incorporate healthy eating and exercise. I believe this is actually more challenging than any numerical target.
Should one strive to reach specific numerical goals within a few months? I've attempted that before, as mentioned earlier, and found it challenging to sustain. I don't weigh myself every day or do daily InBody tests because, ultimately, you still need to enjoy food and prepare your meals without exerting too much effort, so these actions can become habitual. As James Clear advocates in his book Atomic Habits, the best way is to change your surrounding environment so that everything moves towards your goals effortlessly, without expending willpower.
In light of all this, my goal is to create an environment for long-term health maintenance, not an ideal figure or number. A healthy lifestyle requires a healthy diet, which need to be sustained and enjoyed for the long term, which is the most challenging part. I hope that unconsciously, perhaps after six months, I'll impulsively check my weight and undergo a health check, only to discover that these numbers have decreased—that would be a sufficient win.
Nutritionist-Recommended Dietary Plan & User Experience
★ Introducing Our Nutritionist ★
Amanda Ho graduated from Taipei Medical University's Institute of Health and Nutrition. She worked for several years as a clinical nutritionist at Chang Gung Hospital, Taipei. She has assisted in developing specialized formula foods for specific diseases and has also co-authored books on cancer diets. Amanda aims to help everyone understand their health better and lead a more fulfilling and satisfying life.
Bryan's typical diet (approximately 5 days/week) is composed of 1-2 meals per day, predominantly consisting of store-bought foods or dining out. On lecture days (approximately 1-2 days/week), he consumes three meals a day.
For breakfast, he often opts for a Chinese-style meal, such as unsweetened soy milk or black tea paired with an egg pancake or toast.
Around 2:00pm on weekdays when he doesn’t lecture, he orders delivery or dines out, choosing options like Korean fried chicken, Vietnamese cuisine, fast food, or a light lunch box. There is an effort to minimize carbohydrate intake and increase protein supplementation.
On lecture days, he has a lunch box at midday, as the afternoon classes demand substantial energy expenditure.
Dinner around 7:00pm is also usually restaurant-bought food, such as Korean kimchi hot pot or mixed rice.
He’s had a busier schedule over the past three months, so his main form of exercise is a 40-60 minute brisk walk along the riverbank in the morning.
Regarding supplements, Bryan's wife primarily handles the purchases and his daily supplements are fish oil, vitamin C, and vitamin D.
Nutritionist's Recommendations:
- In the morning, I suggest Bryan consume a bottle of "Quaker Complete Meal 100 Chromium Sugar-Free Fiber-Containing Formula" instead of traditional breakfast options like egg pancakes or toast. This will reduce his carbohydrate intake and increase the intake of quality protein
- For one meal a day, he can consider replacing refined starch with Quaker Oatmeal.
- After meals, use one packet of "TDHB Supplement EXX Digestive Bacteria Powder" to promote metabolism and maintain a functional and happy digestive system.
- For an afternoon or bedtime snack, Bryan can make a drink with our Quaker High-Calcium Fat-free Milk Powder to ensure he gets enough calcium and vitamins. This product is a double-certified health food that helps regulate carbohydrate metabolism. All of these products were recommended to Brian after he completed the #100Seconds2Health survey.
Recommended daily calorie intake: 1600 kilocalories.
Q: How was your experience using the nutritionist's recommendations and STANDARD FOODS’ products over the last month? Do you have any questions you'd like to ask the nutritionist?
Bryan: I've made two crucial discoveries: there are two factors that help sustain of a dietary control plan: satiety and digestive health.
In my discussions with STANDARD FOODS’ nutritionist, I became aware of a key point that I had not noticed before: dietary fiber. I usually associate weight loss with controlling sugar, fat, and overall calorie intake, which are well-known concepts. However, my previous understanding of dietary fiber was limited to its assistance in digestion, and I didn't consider it to be particularly relevant to weight loss. Therefore, I never seriously incorporated dietary fiber into my diet control plan.
In my discussion with STANDARD FOODS’ nutritionist, the importance of dietary fiber was emphasized,as it provides a sense of satiety and has lower calories. When you feel satisfied, you’re less likely to binge eat. Although it made sense to me at the time, I didn't experience this first-hand until now.
During this period, following the nutritionist's advice, I replaced one meal with oatmeal. I have been consuming Quaker Oats, and it's a taste I'm accustomed to since my dad used to make oatmeal porridge with Quaker oats when I was a child. I hadn't thought about its connection to dietary fiber before, as it was already a food I enjoyed. If i pair it with the double-certified high-calcium fat-free milk powder, I find it quite tasty and satisfying to eat.
Dietary Fiber Plays a Crucial Role in Dietary Control
STANDARD FOODS Nutritionist: Most people overlook the importance of dietary fiber when controlling their weight. This is because, in the process of weight loss or calorie control, the first advice we usually hear is to reduce carbohydrate intake. However, carbohydrates actually contain dietary fiber. Therefore, when we cut carbohydrates during the initial stage of weight loss, we often simultaneously cut dietary fiber. This explains why most people feel a significant sense of hunger. Dietary fiber helps to increase satiety, alleviating the resistance to a change in diet caused by hunger.
Oatmeal contains a high level of soluble dietary fiber. Even before it enters the mouth, when it comes into contact with water, you can feel its thick and dense texture as it swells up in the cup. This brings a sense of satiety, making it less likely to leave you feeling empty or hungry.
Bryan: One of the recommendations in the plan is to "consume at least two servings of fruit a day." This is something I used to overlook. I have never been in the habit of eating fruit, as I’ve always thought that vegetables provided sufficient nutrients and that the nutrients in fruits were also present in vegetables. I’m also aware that fruit contained sugars that might not be good. So, I haven't seriously eaten fruit for many years. However, I followed your advice for three weeks and regularly ate fruit. I feel like it helps with satiety. What's the principle behind this choice?
STANDARD FOODS Nutritionist: Dietary fiber is divided into two types: soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber. Fruits mainly contain soluble dietary fiber. Soluble dietary fiber can absorb water in the body, causing a sense of expansion in the digestive tract, thereby creating a feeling of satiety after consumption. On the other hand, whole grains or vegetables belong to insoluble fiber, mainly increasing fecal volume in the digestive tract, promoting bowel movements. Although both types are classified under dietary fiber, they have different effects on the body. Many of my patients or nutrition seekers often ask if eating vegetables alone is enough. For a nutritionist, vegetables and fruits not only differ in the type of dietary fiber but also in nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, folic acid, etc.
Bryan: So, a moderate intake of sugars, via fruit, is acceptable. Perhaps my prior view on sugar was too extreme. I have noticed that after I started eating fruit, usually in small portions like those available in convenience store packs, I found that my cravings for the sweet drinks my wife buys have disappeared! Perhaps it's because I already enjoy the sweetness of fruit, so there's no longer a desire to consume other sugary foods. If dietary control is too restrictive, there may be a continuous desire for sweet things. This insight is helpful for understanding how to sustain a weight management program.
Unexpected Benefits of Digestive Enzyme Powder
Bryan: The "Quaker Complete Meal 100 Chromium Unsweetened Fiber Formula" that I have for breakfast comes in a small purple bottle, and tastes similar to the unsweetened soy milk I usually drink. The taste is good, somewhat like oat milk. Despite being sugar-free, it's quite tasty. I've been drinking one bottle every day over the last three weeks. I find it excellent; firstly, I like its taste, and secondly, it brings a sense of satiety. Normally, I used to pair a drink with breakfast, but now I drink this purple Complete Meal formula. I have it chilled, paired with a boiled egg or tea egg. It's quite good.
I also tried the EXX Digestive Enzyme Powder and noticed that my weight has decreased by 2.5 kilograms over the past three weeks. As someone without a medical background, I cannot confirm if the decrease in my weight is related to the intake of probiotics. Still, after drinking it, I made some observations. First, the powder tastes good: sweet and sour, similar to Yakult. Second, I noticed a positive impact on my bowel movements, making them smoother. Third, although I'm not sure there's scientific evidence, it seems to have some helpful effects on my sleep. Maybe it's just psychological? I'm not quite sure, but over the past two weeks, consuming this probiotic every day gave me that feeling.
STANDARD FOODS Nutritionist: That’s great! Let me explain the logic behind this combination. Alongside the digestive enzymes, this powder also contains prebiotics and probiotics.
I’m going to bring your attention back to the soluble dietary fiber found in fruit. Not only does it help with satiety, this type of dietary fiber provides energy for the probiotics in the intestines. In other words, even if I’m supplementing with probiotics, if I don't provide enough nutrition for theis good bacteria to feed on, they may struggle to survive in my body. Therefore, it's necessary to simultaneously take probiotics, and provide them with food–what we call prebiotics–that can supply nutrition to the probiotics. Soluble dietary fiber happens to be a great energy source prebiotics that feed probiotics.
Thus, with this combination, we not only considered Bryan's lifestyle but also the phenomenon of the insufficient dietary fiber intake that many people have. We hope to promote the concept of balanced eating and a healthier lifestyle, and the addition of this digestive enzyme powder allows us to not only supplement probiotics in our daily diet but also provide the necessary nutrition for probiotics.
Bryan: So it's like creating an ecosystem in the body. We take probiotics and also give feed them, all while achieving a sense of satiety.
STANDARD FOODS Nutritionist: It’s interesting that you noticed an improvement in sleep after taking probiotics. It’s not just psychological! This is a research topic that has been discussed in many studies in recent years. Many researchers have identified a direct relationship between our digestive system and the brain and are exploring this field in their work.
Recommendations for Easy-to-Follow Dietary Guidelines
Bryan: I gained some insight after participating in the STANDARD FOODS Health Plan. Many people are discussing which dietary methods are the most effective, and I've tried many before, with limited results. However, I realised that it wasn't really my problem. Any method that is certified by a doctor or nutritionist will more or less have an effect, and I did see initial results with each approach. But the real challenge is how to effectively integrate it into our lives, which is the most significant challenge.
STANDARD FOODS Nutritionist: Yes, it has to be sustainable. A healthy eating pattern should be something that can last for a long time and be enjoyable, but that's the most challenging part.
Bryan: Trying out this Standard Foods recommended plan is easy to follow. I feel like I haven't made any particularly significant changes: I now occasionally replace rice with oatmeal, take a packet of digestive enzyme powder after meals, and I’ve switched my morning beverage to the Complete Meal nutrient. That's all. I think the whole experience is quite good. Overall, I'm satisfied.