含有更多樣的營養素:植物性蛋白所含的營養素更多元,其中包括抗氧化物和維生素(如:維生素 D、葉酸)及礦物質(如:鎂、鉀),這些營養素是人體很需要的!
那植物性蛋白有任何缺點嗎? 大家最常討論的就是如果吃素食、全素、蛋奶素、全植到底能不能攝取到足夠的蛋白質「量」,但已經有研究 指出,全植、蔬食只要包含到很多種不同的蔬菜、植物,蛋白質的「量」到底是否足夠就絕對不是問題,研究的作者就指出:「未來的研究不該再浪費時間討論素食到底能不能提供足夠的蛋白質,而是比較高植物蛋白、高動物蛋白食物之間的營養品質差異、對健康的長期影響!」
某些植物蛋白不含所有的必需胺基酸:雖然有部分的植物蛋白(如:藜麥)屬於「完全蛋白質」,也就是單一種蛋白質中就含有所有人體需要的 9 種必需胺基酸,但還是有些植物蛋白不包含這所有 9 種的必需胺基酸,但人體又需要這些只能透過飲食取得的必需胺基酸才能正常運作⋯⋯,解決方法很簡單,只要確保自己有攝取到各種不同的植物蛋白,例如:用豆類配上米飯,就可以攝取到所有必需的胺基酸了!
人體吸收植物蛋白中鐵質的效率較差:食物中的鐵質有兩種:血基質鐵、非血基質鐵,動物蛋白屬於「血基質鐵」、植物蛋白屬於「非血基質鐵」,人體吸收非血基質鐵的效率較差,但可以透過平時烹調時使用鑄鐵鍋、選擇鐵質豐富的蔬食(如:豆類、豌豆、小扁豆、豆腐⋯⋯)、多補充維生素 C 含量高的食物⋯⋯等方式來增加鐵質的吸收。
含有所有的必需胺基酸: 動物性蛋白中含有所有人體的必需胺基酸,而且含量比例均衡,可以更容易地讓你達到你期待的蛋白質攝取需求,讓身體各種功能可以正常運作。
動物性蛋白屬於較優質的蛋白質: 由於動物蛋白含有較豐富的胺基酸,所以通常被視為更優質的蛋白質,能夠更有效地協助肌肉的維持和生長。
富含維生素和礦物質:乳製品等動物食品可以提供我們必需的營養素,我們需要的必需營養素之一:維生素 B12 幾乎只能在動物(如:魚類、肉類、蛋、乳製品)中找到,它可以協助紅血球的生成、維持神經的正常運作。
高飽和脂肪及膽固醇:大部分的動物蛋白(如:紅肉)含有高量的飽和脂肪和膽固醇,而飽和脂肪是非常不健康的。 紅肉指的是牛肉、豬肉、羊肉等肉品,這種肉類通常比植物蛋白、魚類、去皮雞肉這些食物含有更多的飽和脂肪。
對環境保育影響較大:動物蛋白所造成的環境足跡比植物蛋白多更多,非蔬食類的食品排放的氣體甚至是蔬食類食品的 10~50 倍,這類食品排放更大量的溫室氣體、使用的土地面積更大,加劇全球暖化。
透過測驗,可分析出你的熱量目標、飲食與運動訓練建議以及每日總能量消耗(TDEE),推薦最適合的產品組合。每個組合均有基本選項,產品大致涵蓋您每日能量需求的 30-40%,以及高級選項,涵蓋您每日能量需求的 60-70%。快來試試看我們的全新服務<100秒GO健康>。我們期望能成為陪伴你健康與健身旅程的伙伴,一起邁向成功的健康之路。
§桂格全新均衡粉|優質蛋白協助快速提供能量、增強體力,同時含益生元及膳食纖維,幫助維持消化道機能,另有強化鈣、添加維生素 B 群,有助維持能量正常代謝及正常食慾。
§桂格五穀燕麥豆飲|桂格嚴選 5 種穀物:燕麥、藜麥、蕎麥、糙米、大麥,搭配非基改豆漿,攝取優質多元植物蛋白,協助排便順暢。
§天地合補 EXX 葡萄糖胺濃縮飲|三重配方運作,全方位守護行動力,調節生理機能,幫助關鍵好表現:葡萄糖胺守護行動不卡關;添加日本專利山竹果萃取物,搭配第二型膠原蛋白、軟骨素、*玻尿酸,穩固關鍵,活動少負擔;訶子萃取物、綠茶萃取物調節生理機能。
The Difference between Plant and Animal Protein and Why, No Matter What, You Probably Need More Protein in Your Diet
In the world of nutrition, protein is a pretty big lifter. It's the stuff of muscles, the foundation of countless biochemical processes, and an essential component of your daily diet. You've probably heard the buzz about plant-based diets and animal-based protein, but what's the real scoop? Which is better? Plant or animal protein?
Join Standard Foods as we delve into the benefits and drawbacks of plant and animal proteins, and why, no matter what, you're likely to need more protein in your diet than you think. If you’re interested in learning more about protein, we have a post that discusses 6 benefits of a high-protein diet (yes, 6 more, on top of muscle enhancement).
★ Understanding Plant Protein and Animal Protein
Plant protein is the hero of vegetarian and vegan diets. It's found in a wide array of foods like legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu, and whole grains. On the flip side, animal protein comes from, well, animals. It's found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Each has its own unique nutritional profile and advantages, making them popular choices for different dietary lifestyles.
★ The Benefits of Plant Protein
Heart Health: Plant-based proteins are typically low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Lower intake of these components can contribute to heart health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Plant proteins can help manage blood pressure and cholesterol levels, supporting overall cardiovascular well-being.
Fiber Power: Many plant-based protein sources are rich in dietary fiber. Fiber aids digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes feelings of fullness, which can be advantageous for weight management and overall digestive health.
Reduced Environmental Impact: Plant proteins tend to have a lower environmental footprint compared to animal-based sources. This makes them a more sustainable choice, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and land use.
Diverse Nutrient Profile: Plant-based proteins offer a wide variety of essential nutrients. They contain antioxidants, vitamins (such as vitamin C and folate), and minerals (like potassium and magnesium). These nutrients support overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Lifestyle Flexibility: Plant protein aligns with various dietary choices, including vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian diets. This versatility allows individuals to tailor their diets to their ethical, health, and personal preferences.
★ The Drawbacks of Plant Protein
Are there any drawbacks? It has long been controversial whether a vegetarian or vegan diet provides enough protein. This paper outlines how a plant-based diet, with a lot of various plants, is more than adequate in supplying enough protein. The authors recommend that if there are to be further studies on these diets, that the focus shift away from unnecessary questions about protein adequacy, to a comparison of overall nutrition quality and implications for long-term health.” In other words, these scientists know it’s a more than adequate diet!
Incomplete Amino Acid Profile: Some plant proteins indeed lack one or more essential amino acids. However, combining different plant protein sources (e.g., beans and rice) creates a complete amino acid profile. Other plant proteins, such as quinoa, are complete proteins—which means they contain all 9 essential amino acids. So, this actually isn’t a drawback, is it?
Digestibility: Certain plant proteins, like beans and lentils, contain compounds that may make them harder to digest for some individuals, potentially leading to digestive discomfort. Proper cooking techniques and food pairings can enhance digestibility.
Potential Allergens: Nuts and soy, common plant protein sources, can trigger allergies in some people. Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe and should be taken seriously.
Iron Absorption: Iron found in food comes in two forms, heme and non-heme iron. Plant-based iron, referred to as non-heme iron, is less efficiently absorbed than heme iron found in animal foods. Cooking in a cast iron skillet and consuming iron-rich plant foods (beans, peas, lentils, tofu etc) alongside vitamin C-rich foods can improve iron absorption.
Protein Quantity: Meeting protein needs may require more careful planning on a plant-based diet, particularly for individuals with high protein requirements, such as athletes or those recovering from injury.
★ The Benefits of Animal Protein
Complete Amino Acid Profile: Animal proteins contain all essential amino acids in balanced proportions. This simplifies meeting protein needs, as it provides a complete amino acid profile that supports various bodily functions.
High-Quality Protein: Animal protein is often considered high-quality due to its rich amino acid composition. This high quality contributes to better muscle maintenance and growth.
Iron Absorption: Heme iron is in muscles and blood, it is only found in meat, poultry, and seafood. Heme iron from animal sources is more readily absorbed by the body than non-heme iron from plant foods.
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Animal-based foods like dairy provide essential nutrients which are crucial for bone health, red blood cell production, and overall well-being. For example, Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that’s almost exclusively found in animal-sourced foods, such as fish, meat, dairy products, and eggs and helps develop red blood cells and maintaining nerves and normal brain function.
Satiety: Animal proteins are highly satiating, meaning they make you feel fuller for longer, help control appetite and reduce overall calorie intake. This quality can aid in weight management and prevent overeating.
★ The Drawbacks of Animal Protein
Saturated Fat and Cholesterol: Most animal proteins come with high saturated fats and cholesterol. In general, red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) have more saturated fat than skinless chicken, fish and plant proteins. Saturated fats can raise your blood cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease.
Environmental Impact: The production of animal protein has a much higher environmental footprint compared to plant sources. In fact, emissions from animal-based diets are typically between 10 and 50 times higher than those from plant products. This leads to increased greenhouse gas emissions and land use, contributing to climate change.
Potential Allergies: Some individuals have allergies to animal-based foods like eggs, dairy, and seafood. Allergic reactions can range from mild discomfort to severe health issues.
Ethical Concerns: Animal welfare and ethical considerations can influence dietary choices. Many people choose to limit or eliminate animal proteins from their diets to reduce the negative impact on animals.
Cost: High-quality animal protein sources can be more expensive than plant-based options. This cost can be a barrier for individuals on a tight budget.
★ Do You Get Enough Protein?
It’s up to you to choose where to source your protein. Protein sources can vary depending on availability, what’s in season, personal taste preferences, or ethical considerations around production.
No matter what, everybody needs to protein to survive, and adding more vegetables into your diet is always a good idea. Why not try a more plant-based approach for the next month and see how you feel?
Now, you may be wondering how to ensure you get enough protein in your diet, whether from plant or animal sources. One convenient option is to integrate protein powder into your daily routine.
Standard Foods offer a wide range of protein powders, both vegan and animal-based, designed to meet your nutritional needs and enhance your health journey. So why not give it a try and take the next step toward a healthier, protein-enriched you?
Check List:
Our in-house nutritionist has collaborated with our research and development team to curate a muscle enhancement package deal for you that is high in protein. In the Quaker Fitness 1500 Calorie Set you receive:
§ Quaker Complete New Balance Powder|2 x 850g cans. A high-quality source of protein and to quickly provide energy and enhance physical strength. Contains probiotics and dietary fiber to help maintain digestion. Fortified with calcium and added vitamin B complex, to maintain normal energy metabolism and normal appetite. Imported from Denmark.
§ Quaker Five Grains Soydrink|237ml x 24 bottles. 5 types of carefully selected grains including oats, quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice, and barley, paired with non-GMO soy milk. This drink can provide high-quality multi-functional plant protein. Helps maintain smooth digestion.
§ TDHB EXX Glucosamine Concentrate|30ml x 16 pack. The 3-layer formula operates to protect all aspects of mobility, regulate physiological functions, and help key players perform well. The glucosamine maintains mobility. Added Japanese patented mangosteen extract, combined with type II collagen, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid, strengthens joints and reduces the burden of movement. Myrobalan extract and green tea extract help regulate physiological functions and maintain comfort.
§ Quaker Glucosamine Milk Powder|1 x 750g can. Awarded a national health food certification and bone health function certification. May help delay bone loss. Added glucosamine maintains join mobility and added calcium ensures calcium absorption.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.