1. 用水打造豐潤的肌膚
2. 用膳食纖維排毒、皮膚更光亮
膳食纖維可以協助消化道蠕動 、使排便順暢,常見的高纖食物有:燕麥、藜麥、堅果、種子、水果、蔬菜、綠色葉菜、未精製的全穀雜糧 ( 如:糙米、地瓜、玉米、南瓜、全麥)。
3. 用鈣、鋅、鐵、蛋白質鞏固強韌的頭髮和指甲
瘦肉、魚類、乳製品、豆類、堅果、種子、綠色葉菜、未精製的全穀雜糧、*營養強化早餐燕麥片、家禽 ( 雞、鵝、鴨、火雞 )。
4. 用健康優質脂肪維持滑順亮麗的秀髮
富含優質脂肪的食物有:酪梨、堅果、種子、油脂含量高的魚 ( 如:鮭魚 ) 。
富含脂肪酸的食物則包括:堅果、魚類、亞麻籽 ( 亞麻仁 )、非精製的全穀雜糧。
5. 補充維生素 B 群把皮膚、頭髮、指甲保養一網打盡
維生素 B 群 ( 常被稱作「維他命 B 群」) 指的是人體無法合成的 8 種維生素,可以協助維持精神旺盛,B 群中每個維生素各自有各自的功能,能增進、維持皮膚和神經系統健康、維持能量正常代謝、細胞再生 。
因此,想要維護肌膚、頭髮的滑順光澤,B 群是少不了的。但重點是!我們的身體代謝 B 群的速度很快,所以「每天」一定都要確保有充分攝取 B 群。
B 群攝取要充足,飲食只要均衡、多樣就可以達到,或是也可以吃維生素 B 群綜合錠。
怎麼判斷 B 群攝取不足?
體內維生素 B2 ( 核黃素 ) 不足的話,可能嘴角會容易破皮、鼻翼旁產生皮膚炎s、同時皮膚會產生過量的油脂、有部分乾燥、脫皮的情形。
體內維生素 B3 ( 菸鹼素) 不足會造成皮膚發紅。
維生素 B6 不足的話,皮膚可能會起疹子或發炎。
要確保可以從飲食中攝取足夠的 B 群維生素,可以在每天的菜單中加入:肉類、雞、魚、肝臟、乳製品、蔬菜、水果、堅果、非精製的全穀雜糧。
§ 桂格超能多穀力 - 黑芝麻 x 5 穀 | 每天用桂格無糖植物奶,含烤培的香濃燕麥、藜麥、蕎麥、大麥、黑麥補充優質脂肪、膳食纖維,幫助消化、促進新陳代謝,維持好氣色!
§ 桂格完膳高鈣配方| 高鈣、高優質蛋白配方,搭配鎂、鋅、銅、錳、菊糖幫助鈣質吸收,可室溫保存,隨時補給、指甲保養超輕鬆!
§ 桂格膠原高鐵奶粉 | 7 倍膠原蛋白新配方,加維生素 C 促進膠原蛋白形成、鐵質吸收。高鐵、低脂、添加維生素 B1、B2,維護肌膚、指甲健康,自信耀眼好光采!
5 Nutritional Strategies for Glowing Hair, Skin, and Nails
You might find yourself longing for a stunning figure, flawless skin, luscious hair, and strong nails, believing they hold the key to confidence. You may be tempted by the allure of slimming centers or beauty retreats, expensive skincare products, or supplements. Stop for a moment, before you sign that money away: true beauty transcends mere surface appearances. A body nurtured and nourished from within offers the most radiant glow. Let's look at some foods that nourish your hair, skin, and nails.
Genetics play a significant role in determining skin quality, hair texture, and nail strength, and your daily skincare routine and sun protection steps are important. But, prioritizing internal nourishment is vital. Maybe you are wondering what food are good for hair and skin? How does my diet affect my skin and hair? Here, we uncover five dietary insights to enrich your skin, hair, and nails, paving the way for enduring good looks.
1. Water = Plump and Radiant Skin
Where’s your water bottle? Go on, take a big gulp! Even if you don’t have dried lips or a parched mouth right now, you might already be dehydrated!
Adequate hydration is paramount for maintaining optimal skin and hair health. Water makes up a significant portion of our bodies and is essential for various physiological processes, including skin hydration and the transportation of nutrients to hair follicles. It also supports the production of sebum, the skin's natural moisturizer, helping to maintain its elasticity and suppleness. Additionally, proper hydration ensures that hair follicles receive sufficient moisture, promoting healthy growth and preventing breakage.
Read Your Face
When we are dehydrated, our skin can appear dry, flaky, and prone to premature aging, while our hair may become brittle and lackluster.
2. Dietary Fiber = Detox = Clean and Clear Skin
Dietary fiber plays a pivotal role in promoting digestive health, which in turn can impact the condition of our hair and skin. Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds aid in regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation. When our digestive system is functioning optimally, it allows for the efficient absorption of essential nutrients, including those vital for hair and skin health.
One of the primary benefits of dietary fiber is its ability to support detoxification processes within the body. By binding to toxins and waste products, fiber helps to eliminate them from the system, preventing their buildup which can manifest in the form of dull skin and lackluster hair. Additionally, a clean digestive system ensures that nutrients are properly absorbed, allowing for their utilization in maintaining healthy skin and hair growth.
Read Your Face
A balanced gut microbiome is linked to overall skin health, so if you have eczema, psoriasis, or think you are experiencing premature aging, adding more fiber-rich foods to your diet may assist with this. Eat more oats, quinoa, fresh leafy greens, and nuts and seeds.
3. Protein, Calcium, Zinc, Iron = Strong and Shiny Hair and Nails
Foods rich in protein, calcium, iron, and zinc can help ensure that your hair, nails, and skin receive the essential building blocks they need to thrive.
Protein, being the building block of hair and nails, helps them grow faster and stronger. Calcium supports skin cell renewal and maintains the skin's integrity. Zinc contributes to healthy hair follicles and skin cell repair, while iron ensures adequate oxygen supply to hair follicles, preventing hair loss, nail breakage and brittleness.
Examples of such foods include lean meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, and fortified cereals. In other words, a healthy and balanced diet.
Read Your Face
Insufficient zinc intake can lead to slow wound healing, fragile hair, and hair loss. To boost zinc levels, include foods such as meat, eggs, seafood, and oysters in your diet. Similarly, a lack of iron may result in spoon-shaped nails and cracks at the corners of the mouth. To enhance iron intake, consider incorporating beef, lamb, and liver into your meals. A deficiency in calcium can lead to dry and itchy skin, and brittle nails. To add more calcium to your diet, you can have more dairy, leafy green vegetables, fish, nuts, and seeds.
4. Healthy Fats = Glowing Skin, Happy Hair
Remember when people believed all fats were unhealthy? Thank goodness we know better now! Healthy fats help nourish your hair, nails, and skin, and they make food taste 1000x better.
Nourishing fats, like those abundant in avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish such as salmon, supply vital fatty acids crucial for skin and hair health. Healthy fats support cell membrane integrity, enhance moisture retention, and diminish inflammation, fostering a healthy, radiant appearance.
Read Your Face
Not enough essential fats, including omega-3 and omega-6, can manifest as dry, itchy scalp and skin. Add foods rich in fatty acids into your diet, such as fish, nuts, flaxseeds (linseed), and whole grains.
5. Vitamin B = The All-round Superstar
The 8 essential B vitamins are the fuel behind every process, from energizing your body to keeping your skin radiant and your hair fabulous. With roles in metabolism, nerve health, and cell regeneration, they're the secret ingredient for a glowing complexion. But here’s the kicker: your B vitamin tank is small, so you need to top it up daily.
While often grouped together, each B-vitamin has unique roles and functions within the body but often works together synergistically to support overall health and well-being. A balanced diet rich in a variety of foods ensures an adequate intake of all B vitamins. Or, you could consider taking a Vit B complex tablet, like this one.
Read Your Face
Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) may result in cracks at the corners of the mouth, waxy dermatitis around the nose creases, and a combination of oily skin with dry, flaky patches. A deficiency in vitamin B3 (niacin) can manifest as flushed, sunburnt-looking skin, while insufficient vitamin B6 intake may lead to skin rashes and dermatitis. To ensure sufficient B vitamin intake, incorporate whole grains, nuts, meat, liver, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, fruits, and vegetables into your diet.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
After reading this article, it’s probably very apparent that the best approach to clean and clear skin, strong beautiful nails and shiny hair can be found on your plate. We keep saying a healthy balanced diet can radically change your life! And now you know it can also improve your complexion!
Check List:
§ Quaker 5 Grain Black Sesame Powder | Your go-to dairy-free, no-added-sugar drink of choice is made from carefully selected black sesame seeds, combined with roasted 5 grains - oats, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, rye, and plant milk powder.
§ Quaker High Calcium Formula | This high protein and high calcium milk drink, with added magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and inulin, for better absorption, can be stored at room temperature.
§ Quaker Collagen Milk Powder with added Iron | With 7 times more collagen, added vitamin C and high levels of calcium, this low-fat, delicious milk powder ensures your skin and nails look amazing.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.